Thursday, January 19, 2023

What I’ve Been Saying

If you follow my posts you know that I have said many times that Republicans just make up healthcare procedures for us. There has never been a case of a trans child* having anything that wasn’t reversible done to them as minors, it is only after the age of consent that procedures that are not reversible are preformed.

Guest opinon: Do legislators even understand minor transgender health care?
Daily Herald
By Brianna Cluck
January 17, 2023

Recently Utah house bill HB132 was introduced to the legislature. This bill, “Prohibiting Sex Transitioning Procedures On Minors” is an ill-informed bill based, not out of fact, but out of a fear and resentment for our transgender community.

It’s important to emphasize that “sex transitioning procedures on minors” are vanishingly rare. Section VI of the World Professional Association on Transgender Health (WPATH) standards of care lays out the treatment process for transgender minors

The majority of this treatment is therapy and social support. Medical interventions in youths are typically restricted to puberty suppressing medication of the same kind used to address early periods, growth plate disorders and other puberty-related conditions.

While hormone therapy is an option for minors, the standards of care state that hormone therapy can only occur in two cases:

  • The minor is no longer a minor and still maintains a transgender identity.
  • The minor has reached the age of medical consent for the state in which they live and have been on puberty blockers in conjunction with therapy for a minimum of 4 years to determine persistence in identity.

But the Republicans continue to lie and create indignation over doctors who treat us and they continue to push the envelope to see how much of a draconian law they can push through!

Moreover, HB132 comes with the precedence of other states who have attempted similar restrictions. For example, the Oklahoma legislature has now proposed “the millstone act,” which would bar medical intervention in transgender people up to 26 years old, well into the age of majority. These bills ultimately come from a misunderstanding of the transgender population and a fear of transgender people, relying on a kind of boogeyman of transgender activists trying to “recruit” children, similar to how “the gay agenda” was portrayed in the 2000s.

They know that the people don’t know anything medical procedures for trans children so they keep pushing the lies for votes and donations.

*There are a number of surgeries done on babies just a day or a few days old, intersex babies without their consent had sex change surgeries (I say sex change surgery because these babies have no say in the matter and research has shown that to be wrong.) but the Republicans have no problems with doing the surgery.

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