Wednesday, December 04, 2019

File This Under… Duh

You know when something is so obvious that we are all aware of it but until someone points it out we never realized it.
Queers are 20 times more likely than cis-hets to be activists, study finds
Lesbian, gay and bisexual people are 20 times more likely to be LGBT+ activists that straight, cisgender people, an analysis of US election survey data shows.
Pink News UK
By Vic Parsons
December 2, 2019

LGB people were also significantly more likely than their heterosexual counterparts to be involved in environmental, peace and Occupy Wall Street activist movements.

The study, published in the journal Social Science Research, analysed the American National Election Surveys of 2012, with data from 3,519 people.

Of those, 4.5 percent of respondents identified as lesbian, gay or bisexual. Other sexual orientation’s or trans identities were not included in the survey.
I would say trans people are even more likely to be activists.
The study’s authors concluded that LGB people’s involvement in the LGBT+ rights movements was driven by the sense of “belongingness” created by it, as well as the structural, organisation and interpersonal discrimination experience by non-heterosexuals in the US and beyond.
Rates of activism were low across all the survey respondents, with just 0.9 percent of heterosexuals involved in any kind of social movement and 4.6 percent of LGB respondents participating in activism.
My theory is that we are oppressed and oppressed people fight back the yoke of oppression. We are fighting for ourselves not some ideology, when you are denied to use a bathroom or you are fired from your job you are going to fight back.

I remember when I knew that I had to do something, it was when a trans woman came to the support group with her face all battered. She was working construction and when she was alone two other construction workers came in and started beating her with two by fours. She called police and when they wouldn’t arrest the two men she yelled at the officer and he arrested her for breach-of-peace.

It was then I realized that I just couldn’t just sit around and let it happen.

I suspect that many of the LGBTQ+ activists had like experiences.

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