Friday, May 12, 2006



Q1 - Shopping: How important is the "Made in America" label in your purchasing decisions?

Not very important, otherwise I would have nothing at all. I wish it wasn’t true but it is getting harder and harder to find anything with the “Made in America” lablel.

Q2 - Eavesdropping: To what degree do you feel government should be allowed to monitor its citizens phone calls without court approval (as much as it wants, not at all, by court order only, or somewhere in between)?

I am not going to be paranoid about it but I do not like it. What happens if you call a wrong number and get on somebody’s list? Would you ever get off the list? Who would the information be shared with?
Welcome to the world of 1984! In that story they were constantly at war with mysterious Eurasia and they were under constant surveillance by the all knowing Party and Big Brother. Hmmm does that sound familiar?

Q3 - Soda: Last week, all of the major soft drink manufacturers agreed to stop selling sugary soft drinks in public schools. Schools, responding to pressure that soft drinks contribute to children being overweight and unhealthy, will instead only sell water, low-fat milk and certain unsweetened juices to elementary and middle schools, and diet sodas, flavored water, unsweetened or diet teas and sports drinks to high schools. What do you think? Will this help children to be more fit, healthy and not become overweight?

No, I don’t think it will make a difference. The kids will just bring their own soda.

Q4 - Retirement: Based on what you know today, at what age do you think you'll retire?

In two years and five months, not that I am counting. Providing the stock market doesn’t crash.

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