Thursday, May 18, 2006

3X Thursday

From "A 'Textbook-Good' Visit"

1. Are there medicines you have to take everyday? If so, is it a drag?

Lets see, I got my heart medication, I got my cholesterol medication and I got my trannie medication that stops all the nasty testosterone and I got a couple of estradiol patches for that good stuff.

2. Are you more of a Western medicine fan, or Eastern? Wny/why not?
Western medicine, I think that it is more effective.

3. Are you one of those people who avoids doctors at all costs and just self-medicates as need be, or do you check in with a 'professional' from time to time?

Heck, I have a whole stable fill of doctors. I have my GP that I see once a year, I have a dermatologist ( One of my family members came down with skin cancer when he was 18 ) that I also see once a year and I have my endocrinologist that I see twice a year.

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