Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I agree with what Keith Olbermann is saying 100%. We need to stop this campaign of fear, hate and bigotry. We need to stop the drumming. We need to stop the mob mentality. We need to stop driving this wedge between us.

Republicans = Hate
Republicans = Fear
Republicans = Bigotry

Hate of Muslims
Fear of the Brown man
Bigotry against homosexuals and transgender people

The Republicans are using the Muslim Culture Center as a hot button issue to drum up voters in this fall’s elections. The center has been in planning for years, but now it is raised as an issue by the Republicans, Fox news and other conservative talk show host. Let us remember that our battle is with Al Qaeda and not with Muslims. When we make Muslims our enemy, we are playing right into the hands of Al Qaeda who are trying to make this a war against religion and not against terrorism.

Look at the ad that the GOP is running, it is purely inflammatory.

In a opinion piece in the Hartford Courant last Sunday, titled “Religious Wrongs: Demonization Leads To Persecution” the author, Atif Quraishi said,
Is it really about the Muslim cultural center proposed near Ground Zero in New York? About being sensitive to "hallowed ground"? I don't think so. The cultural center was merely an excuse to let loose the hate that has always been there. Bigotry is spreading and people are spewing hate so calmly and freely that it is scary.

People, powerful people — those who have influence over others. Those with followers: Newt, Hannity, O'Riley, Beck, Palin, my God! These are people with millions of followers. There are leaders emerging, leaders who are gathering these fearful and hate-filled masses and using powerful words to control them. Sound familiar?
I am opposed to the use of the hate and fear as a wedge to drive this country apart. I think it was a bad choice to build the culture center there, but the rhetoric that is being used is stirring up hate and bigotry for the sole purpose of getting votes in the fall election.

Ask yourself why is immigration an issue right now? When illegal immigration is actually declining, it is lower then when Bush was in office. So why is it an issue now! Could it be because a Democrat are in office? In another opinion piece, this time in the Arizona Republican, Gregory Rodriguez wrote back in July that,
Despite the heightened rhetoric and the bloodcurdling vitriol surrounding the issue, illegal immigration has actually declined significantly over the past few years. While journalists like to characterize the anger over immigration as a response to facts on the ground - i.e., people are inundated and incensed - the numbers don't bear them out.

In fact, the opposite is true. According to a February report by the Department of Homeland Security, the number of illegal immigrants living in the United States actually dropped by a whopping 1 million between 2008 and 2009, which amounts to the sharpest decrease in 30 years. It was the second year of declining numbers.

Likewise, the Border Patrol reports that apprehensions are down by more than 60 percent since 2000, to 550,000 last year, the lowest number in 35 years, even though the border is more tightly controlled than ever. As William Finnegan wrote in last week's New Yorker, "The southern border, far from being unsecured, is in better shape than it has been for years - better managed and less porous."

And there's more. Despite the drumbeat about hordes of undocumented Mexicans who have come north to take our jobs, consider this: According to the Pew Hispanic Center, between 2005 and 2008, the number of Mexican migrants arriving in the U.S. actually declined by 40 percent.
Why has immigration become an issue? Why are they stirring the fires of xenophobia? It is simply for VOTES!

There has been talk about amending the 14th Amendment to stop waves of pregnant women from coming here to have their babies on American soil that so they can be American citizens. Of Mexican women sneaking across the borders to give birth in American hospitals. However, where are their statistics? I haven’t been able to find any that has just the numbers for illegal immigrants and those here on tourist visa. The statistics are all lumped together with those who are have their Green Cards and are immigrating to the U.S.

Lastly, we all know the Republican’s position on LGBT issues, “If Gays are allowed to marry our whole society will crash” and they have continually opposed the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) labeling it the “Bathroom Bill.” The Republicans use hate and fear to gather votes.

Instead of talking about hate, fear and bigotry, let us talk about the economy, jobs and how we are going to get out of this depression. We need to go out and vote this November to stop this hate. We need to send a clear message that we will not tolerate this strategy to drive a stake in to the heart of America.

1 comment:

  1. I wish it were just the Republicans, but it's not. Many Democrats are soft-pedaling this crap as well. Harry Reid, just for starters:

    And not all Republicans are on the wrong side of this one. Ted Olson, who has more reason than just anyone to be sensitive about Ground Zero, says some very good and powerful things:
