Saturday, July 31, 2010

Saturday Six – Episode 329

Patrick’s Place Saturday Six – Episode 329

1. How many different spices are there in your kitchen?
Oh, I have no idea. I have a whole self fill of spices.

2. Of the spices you have on hand, which one is your favorite one to use?
Basil this time of the year, I use it when I make Insalata Caprese (mozzarella, tomatoes and basil, with balsamic vinegar and olive oil.)

3. What liquid flavoring did you use most recently?
Vanilla in the fresh Peach Cobbler that I made yesterday.

4. You decide to marinade a steak or chicken: do you use a powdered or liquid spice mix?
It depends in the cut of meat, for a London Broil I used a marinade but a Rib Eye steak I might use a rub. For chicken, anything goes, I like to use a marinade, a rub or BBQ sauce.

5. Take the quiz: What Spice Are You?

You Are Garlic

Of all the spice types, you are the most universally loved.
You get long with pretty much everyone, and you leave a lasting impression.
You adapt yourself well to situations. You can fit in or stand out, depending on what you're called on to do.

I like this question, “Hot... not exactly. But you definitely leave an impression.” Yup, I definitely leave an impression.

6. Which spice — whether you have it in your home or not — do you consider the most “exotic”?
I bought some Vanilla beans and the price was out of sight!

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