Friday, July 09, 2010

Friday Fill-ins #184

Janet’s Friday Fill-ins #184


1. Layers of _deceit hide their true motive_.

2. _Looking back at the accident gave me some_ insight.

3. I'd be willing to bet _that this is going to be a record breaking summer for heat in the northeast_.

4. _Fireworks_ scares the dog.

5. I'm fond of _lobster and steamers_

6. _Staying out in the sun all day is just_ too much!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _the coffee shop_, tomorrow my plans include _watching the rain come down_ and Sunday, I want to _get outdoors and enjoy the cooler weather_!


  1. I hope it wasn't your accident! Have a good weekend, enjoy the rain.

  2. LOL Diana... just as we get HOT in the NW, you cool off in the NE. I love watching rain come down.

  3. You're right, it certainly is a record-breaking hot streak in Maine. I hate this heat & humidity. Have I mentioned that before?


    Enjoy your weekend!
