Saturday, March 02, 2024

Saturday 9: Blame It on the Bossa Nova (1963)

On Saturdays I take a break from the heavy stuff and have some fun…

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) This week's song tells the story of a girl who found love at a dance. Share a happy memory from a party, prom or dance you attended.
The was also 60 years and I never went to my high school prom, but I went to a girl friend’s prom and afterward to an all night dinner.

2) This record was a big hit for Eydie Gorme, which surprised her. When she first heard the song, she disliked it and had to be convinced to her record it. Tell us about a pleasant surprise you had recently.
Life has been pretty dull lately.

3) "Blame It on the Bossa Nova" is about love at first sight on the dance floor. Eydie's husband Steve Lawrence maintained he fell in love with her the first time he heard her sing. Have you ever felt a sudden, powerful attraction to someone? If yes, did you act on it?

4) While this was a solo success for Eydie, she was also known for recording and performing with Steve Lawrence. He was just 22 and she was 29 when they married. Eydie admitted she was self-conscious about the difference in their ages. Do you think age matters in a romantic relationship?
Well that is a yes and no answer. To a greater extent it doesn’t unless it is extreme like a sixty year old marring a twenty year old.

5) Eydie was fluent in Spanish, which enabled her to pay for her classes at City College by working as an interpreter. Tell us about one of your early jobs.
Traveling around the country installing EMTs radio systems. I hated it, I’m a home body. I like to travel on vacation but not on business. One job I had to get a passport and a South Korea visa in case I was sent over there but I arranged a doctor’s letter saying for health purposes I couldn’t travel that far because of a danger of blood clots in my legs (It was a 20 hour flight! No way!).

6) In 1963, when this song was popular, The Rambler was Motor Trend's car of the year. It was a 9-passenger station wagon, perfect for families. What do you remember about your childhood family car?
We had a 55 Chevy! That was my mother’s car and my dad drove a great big boat of a Buick (My father had a thing about Buick.).

7) Also in 1963, President Kennedy made a state trip to Ireland. Have you visited the land of your ancestors?
You mean Bridgeport? Yeah once in a while… Oh you mean my far back ancestors, nope.

8) The pilot for Gilligan's Island was filmed in 1963. Were you a fan of the show?
I watched it but it wasn’t a favorite show.

9) Random question: Crunchy, smooth or organic peanut butter?
Crunchy. Hmm, you given me an idea. I haven’t had a PB&J sandwich in ages.


  1. Yeah, I’m k8nd of craving pb & j too

  2. I didn't go to a prom--but all our school dances in the late 70s-early 80s had live bands. Those were the days!

  3. I flew from San Francisco to Perth, Australia, a 32 hour flight.

  4. I know I'm concentrating on the wrong thing here, but your memory fascinates me. You can't remember dances from 60 years ago, but you clearly recall a 59-year-old car. Here's my theory: you only remember the things that you cared about at the time. Dr. Gal is going to continue monitoring your responses until we get to the bottom of this!
