Friday, March 29, 2024

Parental Rights Part 2

Schools back in the before the mid 1900s at one time just taught Read, Riting, and Rithmetic and then they started to teach history and it became “Whose history?” and “What history?” We didn’t want to teach the genocide of the native population by Pilgrims, nope instead we will teach that the Pilgrims sat around with the indigenous population signing Kumbaya. And we will teach that slaves never had it so good rather than the jungles of Africa.

Back at the turn of the century the Supreme Court ruled in the case of the Good News Club v. Milford Center School that is schools allowed after school clubs that they couldn’t discriminate other clubs.

A group of parents in the Elk Grove Unified School District will keep students home from district schools Friday in protest of campus clubs for LGBTQ students.

“We are urging parents to consider pulling their children from school on Friday, March 29, 2024, as a means of expressing support for parental rights and to demonstrate the importance of transparency and openness in school activities,” parents wrote in an Instagram post for the group “Informed Parents of EGUSD.”

Parents learned in January that a teacher at Pleasant Grove Elementary School was hosting a “UBU” club for all elementary school students, emphasizing that it was a safe place for “boys who crush on boys,” or “girls who crush on girls,” but that all were welcome. Upon learning about the clubs, about 50 EGUSD parents complained at a school board meeting this month, lamenting that they weren’t informed, and calling that a violation of their parental rights.
Here we go again “Parental Rights” to discriminate against others! It is “MY” rights, screw your rights!
Christian conservative groups such as the California Family Council got involved, and the story made its way to conservative host Jesse Waters’ Fox News program. The National Center for Law & Policy, a Christian conservative nonprofit law firm based in Escondido, sent the school district a cease and desist letter last week, threatening legal action if the schools do not discontinue the clubs.
Here we go again “Religious Freedom” to impose our religion on you! We don’t care what your religion is we want you to follow our beliefs!
Five other schools in the district also have Rainbow Clubs, which are elementary school equivalents of Gender and Sexuality Alliance (GSA) clubs, where students play board games at lunch and spread an anti-bullying message. Recent studies show that schools with these clubs show fewer instances of bullying and harassment not just of LGBTQ students, but the student body overall.

Posters for the club at Markofer Elementary in Elk Grove show a rainbow with the school mascot. The club is “a safe, healthy, anti-bully space for all children” in 5th and 6th grades. The poster promises “fun, games, and learning with friends.”


“Members are expected to be kind to everyone and be welcoming to diversity. They spread anti-bullying messages, and they talk about growth-mindset and ways to handle stress.”
OMG! What are they teaching the kids? The next thing you know they will be teaching the children that diversity is good, that equality is righteous.
California’s Fair, Accurate, Inclusive and Respectful (FAIR) Education Act, which former Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law in 2011, requires that elementary school students learn about LGBTQ history and important historical figures. The EDUSD updated its K-8 social studies curriculum in 2019 to include more history of LGBTQ and disability rights.
And don’t forget the Supreme Court’s Good News Club v. Milford Center School and their First Amendment ruling, which by the way it was because the school allowed clubs but just not the Christian club. It seems so ironic that the Christian clubs are trying to ban LGBTQ+ clubs.
This has already been settled in the East High Gay/Straight Alliance v. Board of Education of Salt Lake City School District where a school violated the federal Equal Access Act by banning LGBTQ clubs.

My favorite song from South Pacific

You’ve got to be taught to hate and fear,
You’ve got to be taught from year to year,
It’s got to be drummed in your dear little ear—
You’ve got to be carefully taught!

You’ve got to be taught to be afraid
Of people whose eyes are oddly made,
And people whose skin is a different shade—
You’ve got to be carefully taught.

You’ve got to be taught before it’s too late,
Before you are six or seven or eight,
To hate all the people your relatives hate—
You’ve got to be carefully taught!
You’ve got to be carefully taught!

It is so true, and that is what the right-wingers are afraid of that they cannot teach their children to hate.

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