Friday, November 18, 2022

There Is A Debate.

Sunday is the Transgender Day of Remembrance and I don’t know if you noticed that a lot more organizations are holding a TDoR and some of them have no trans input. Back when… they were all organized by trans organizations and now non-trans groups are organizing them.

It seems that they are two schools of thought, one side think that you need a trans person on the committee or better yet an all trans people committee. While the other view is that anyone can organize, saying it is the thought that counts.

So what do you think?


  1. Interesting results so far: 50% "it's the thought" and 25% split for the other two options.

  2. Richard Nelson11/19/22, 8:47 AM

    I want to clarify my Mommy and Daddy comment before any mommies and daddies out there in reader land get their knickers in a twist. Many times, in my writing I use the mommy and daddy in the place of straight society. You know as in father knows best which usually translated to a straight white male who ruled the home and society, many times sticking his nose in where it didn't belong and always grabbing our stories and suppressing and erasing them. Now this is not to say that all straight men are the same as I have met some in my life that are ok. I am sure many of us long time movement people can tell of such stories.

    But we must be responsible for ourselves for our own liberation in the LGBTQ+++ communities. We must tell our own stories, as no one, and I don't care how much they love us, outside of US can tell them. Lend a hand fine but run the place no way.

    I also want to take this opportunity to say be safe all of you in the trans community and a big thank you to Diana for producing this site. I learn so much about what is happening and for that I am thankful. Let us always remember as Mother Jones said, "Pray for the dead but fight like hell for the living."
