Thursday, September 17, 2009

Friday Fill-ins #142

Janet’s Friday Fill-ins #142


1. My car _is like a second home because I’m driving so much_.

2. _My brother and sister-in-law’s wedding anniversary _ is coming up next.

3. Lately, things seem _to be on a roller coaster_.

4. _My cottage_ is one of my favorite 'hiding' places.

5. What happened _to civilly_.

6. _Equal Rights_ is not impossible!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _going to a play at Real Art Ways_, tomorrow my plans include _going up to my cottage and studying_ and Sunday, I want to _start working on a presentation that I have to give on the 30th_!


  1. Agree with your #6 and am wondering why it's so hard to do for some people/country. I would love to have a cottage for myself :)

    My fill-ins are up too.

  2. I agree with #6 too. I would love to have a lil cottage too!

  3. I feel like I live in my car some days also -- driving two kids around. I hope you enjoy your time at the Cottage!

  4. I would love to have a cottage someday, a getaway place.

    good luck on your presentation.

    Mine is over here:

  5. Hope you have great weather for the cottage & studying.
