Friday, September 25, 2009

Saturday 9: I Call Your Name

Crazy Sam’s Saturday 9: I Call Your Name

1. If you could have named yourself, which name would you have chosen, and why?
I did. Oh, and you also want to know why I chose my name. The story goes way back to my high school days, I had to write a paper on Greek mythology. I came across a god who got all the other gods mad at him and they changed him into a woman.

2. If you could relive a year in your life, what age would it be, and why?
It would be my senior year in high school, boy would I blow their minds if I transitioned back in high school.

3. If you could go back and change one friendship in your past, who would it have been, and why?
I don’t think I would change any of my friends, I think the ones that stayed by me when I transitioned are special.

4. If you could have dated one person in your past that you did not date, who would it be, and why?

No comment, she might be reading my blog.

Opps... we skipped question 5

6. If you had the opportunity to live in another country, which one would it be, and why? If you choose NOT to live in another country, why do you want to stay in your current country?
Maybe Canada, because they have national health insurance. I would definitely not choose the Caribbean or Latin American, because I would like to live. They kill transsexuals in those countries.

7. If you could choose your dream job, what would it be, and why?
I wouldn’t choose any job, because I am retired. Why would I want to go back to work? Now I can do anything that I want, that is why I am going back to school, so I can learn how to help others.

8. If you could wish a wish and it be guaranteed to come true (other than riches) what would it be, and why?
That I could “pass” because I am tried of being stared all the time.

9. If you could meet two blogger friends (you may choose more, if you wish) who would they be?
Allison, Janet and Lisa


  1. I love that you chose your own name....and just for the record, you do pass, I think you are beautiful....

  2. great answers! i ddnt even notice #5 was missing. and to "pass" was genius! lol

  3. Funny- I didn't even notice the question 5 thing.
    Have a good Saturday.

  4. Love your answer for #7. And I also love the story of your name.

    If I had been thinking, we could've met when I drove home today--through CT.

  5. To Question Number 1: I guess I'm lucky. I had the opportunity to give myself the name I wanted.

    I love your answer to Nos. 4 and 7. And I can certainly relate to No. 8: During the first couple of years I lived "as" Justine, it seemed that everyone--even other trans people--were always staring at me.
