Friday, February 29, 2008

Friday Fill-Ins #61

Janet’s Friday Fill-Ins #61

1. I'm looking forward to _testifying _ next week.
2. I don't handle _stress_ very well.
3. _Lobster_ is something I could eat every day. (Of course my doctor might not want me to eat lobster every day.)
4. Warmth and sunlight _feels great after a cold winter_.
5. _The Capital_ here I come!
6. I _hate_ tattoo(s).7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _watching the snow come down_, tomorrow my plans include _finding a new book to read_ and Sunday, I want to _go hiking_!


  1. oooh lobster! I'm sure it would be ok with your doc as long as it wasn't drenched in butter :-)

    Thanks for playing :-)

  2. Ah... but is there any other way to have lobster?
    Well maybe Lobster Newberg, but that is just as bad.
