"So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains
And we never even know we have the key"
Already Gone - Eagles
Friday, February 29, 2008
Well, I Sent In My Application Today
Today was the last day to apply, I was waiting for my last Letter of Recommendation, so once the mail came I drove up to the campus to leave of the application. Nothing like just making it under the wire.
On another topic, Wednesday night I went to a local Catholic Women’s College to do an Outreach with three other friends. Most of the students are Psychology majors so we were asked some good questions, normally we get all fluff questions like, what bathrooms do you use? This time we were asked some questions like what was our childhood like and were our parents strict, but there were some fluff questions also. When we were asked about our sexual orientation and I said that I was attracted to women; I heard a woman up in back say to another woman, “I wasn’t expecting that.” That is a common reaction, it seems that everyone thinks that we must be attracted to men because we feel like a woman, but (and it is a big BUT) sexual orientation and gender identity are located in two separate regions of the brain. We talked for about ninety minutes and then went out to dinner afterwards.
Friday Fill-Ins #61
1. I'm looking forward to _testifying _ next week.
2. I don't handle _stress_ very well.
3. _Lobster_ is something I could eat every day. (Of course my doctor might not want me to eat lobster every day.)
4. Warmth and sunlight _feels great after a cold winter_.
5. _The Capital_ here I come!
6. I _hate_ tattoo(s).7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _watching the snow come down_, tomorrow my plans include _finding a new book to read_ and Sunday, I want to _go hiking_!
A Well Deserved Award.
Pride nominates HRC for Pink Brick
Bay Area Reporter
by Seth Hemmelgarn
For the first time, an LGBT organization has been nominated for San Francisco Pride's Pink Brick award – an award meant to recognize groups and individuals who've run afoul of the community or pushed for antigay measures.
The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) and its president, Joe Solmonese, are nominated this year for continuing to support a proposed federal Employment Non-Discrimination Act that does not include protections for transgender individuals.
I think the runner up should be, Congressman Barney Frank (D-Massachusetts)
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
I Am On A Roll This Morning
In Canada, Some Doctors Refuse to Do Paps
RH Reality Check
By Pamela Pizarro
… she responded by saying that in one case it is actually the doctor's receptionist who won't allow her young unmarried friend to make an appointment for a pap smear saying that she is too young and doesn't need one (she was 19 at the time of the incident)…
...She reminded me that doctors have a "conscience clause," allowing them to refuse prescriptions for birth control, abortion, and now pap smears. The conscious clause is put in place by the Canadian Medical Association so that physicians are not forced to act in any way that goes against their personal beliefs....
I always felt that a doctor never could turn a patient away, that they were morally bound to treat everyone. Where is this nonsense going to end? Would a doctor be able to refuse a patient who is Jewish? Would a doctor be able to refuse a patient because they are black? Or because they are lesbian, gay, transgender or bisexual?
They are licensed to practice medicine. It seem that in Canada it gives them a license to discriminate, I bet that if a business refused service because the woman was unmarried that would be discrimination.
Grrr… !
I had a Jehovah Witness come to my door and insult me in my house. I answered the door and there was a woman standing there with a Watchtown booklet in her hand.
She said;”Good morning sir,
Its miss!
Have you heard ….. sir
IT IS MISS! And I have my own religious beliefs.
Yes sir…
What? You come to my house to insult me? Please leave now!
Yes sir.
They have no respect, I have asked them repeatedly to not to come to my door but they ignore my wishes and now they insult me. They are worst than telemarketers! Maybe I have scared them away this time and marked me down as gay, but then on the other hand they might see it as a challenge.
Slow down Diana, count to ten, take a slow breath and I say I will not let this bother me…
Monday, February 25, 2008
Stop The HATE!
Gay teen shot dead while dressed as woman in Fort Lauderdale
By Brian Haas and Sofia Santana | South Florida Sun-Sentinel
February 23, 2008
FORT LAUDERDALE - The shooting death of a gay teenage boy who was dressed in women's clothing is being investigated as a possible hate crime, while detectives try to determine whether he was targeted because of his sexual orientation.
Simmie Williams Jr., 17, was attacked on the 1000 block of Sistrunk Boulevard by two young men who wore dark clothing and might live in the neighborhood, police said. Williams, who was wearing a dress and was known in the area by his first name or as "Chris" or "Beyonce," was shot about 12:45 a.m. Friday and soon afterward died at Broward General Medical Center, police said.It's unclear what Williams was doing in the area, about four miles from his house, but police are investigating whether he was working as a prostitute, officials said.
And in Detriot…
Details slow to emerge in apparent murder of trans woman
By Jason A. Michael
Pride Source
The body of a young transgender woman was discovered Monday near the intersection of Canfield and Ellery Streets on Detroit's East Side. At press time, few details are known.
"We are trying to find out the identity of the victim," said Melissa Pope, director of victim services for Triangle Foundation. "My understanding is that the victim is African-American and in their late teens to early 20s. We're getting little pieces of information."
In addition this month a ten year old girl committed suicide in England when she told her mother that she felt that she was a girl and the mother wouldn’t let her wear make-up.
Over in England a ten-year-old girl committed suicide…
Gender torment of 10-year-old Cameron
Sheffield Star
A BOY of 10 has been found hanged at his South Yorkshire home after telling his mum he wanted to be a girl.
Tragic Cameron McWilliams had already asked for permission to wear make-up, and been teased after he was found wearing his half-sister's knickers.
His desperate mum Kelly McWilliams told a Doncaster inquest she had bought him girls' underwear to wear in private, but had refused his requests to be allowed to wear make-up.
She said: "It was apparent he was unhappy and said he wanted to be a girl. He did like girls' things."
It is time we stop persecuting people who are different, it time to stop preaching hate. We all have to take a stand against violence; we have to speak-up. We can no longer sit by while people are murdering people who are different whether because of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, physical or mental disabilities or for what ever else a person is different. I think the Reverend Jesse Jackson said it best in his poem “I am Somebody”-- we are all somebody and we can never forget that.
Manic Monday
How did you celebrate your last birthday?
I went up to my brother and sister-in-law’s condo.
What's the last thing you bought yourself, just for fun?
An MP3 player
What would the child you once were think of the adult you have become?
I think I would have been very surprised to see myself today, not only when I was a child but also just ten years ago.
Not only would, as a child I be surprised at myself, but society would also surprise me to see that the general population is much more accepting. The only role models we had back there was Christine Jorgensen and Renee Richards, and I knew I wasn’t like they were portrayed in the news. They were the butt of many jokes.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
A Busy Week Ahead
Today – Hiking around Hartford’s Reservoir #6 in West Hartford
Monday – Anti-Discrimination Coalition meeting in the afternoon and Connecticut TransAdvocacy Coalition (CTAC) Board meeting in the evening.
Tuesday – Lunch with some friends from where I use to work and class in the evening.
Wednesday – Outreach at a college in Hartford and then the Connecticut Outreach Society’s (COS) meeting after the outreach.
Thursday – CTAC community meeting
Friday – Whew! Relax.
Girly Meme
What color is your bra? White
Do you straighten your hair everyday? No
Do you worry about the size of your boobs? Yes, I wish that they were a little bit larger
What’s your favorite girly magazine? I do not read girly magazines
Would you kill for chocolate? No, I like chocolate, but not that much.
Jeans or Skirts? Jeans, in winter but I wear skirts more in summer.
Do you wear clothes/shoes/jewelry that’s uncomfortable? Only when I have an important meeting and I wear high heels.
Did you ever spend all day/night getting pretty for a guy? No
Did you ever cry during a romantic movie? Oh yes, like a waterfall.
Would you leave the house without makeup on? Yes, but I have to have my lipstick on.
Do you consider making out “unladylike”? In private, no.
On a scale of 1-10, how fun is shopping? 7.5
Are you spoiled? No.
Do you think lip gloss is the best? No, I like lipstick
Do you freak out if you miss your favorite show? No.
Do you yell a lot? Only if the music is too loud to talk.
How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? About 30 – 40 minutes
Do you wear sweatpants/pajama pants to school/work? Never!
Accessories make the outfit, true or false? True.
Is pink truly the best color in the entire universe? Its OK, but nothing special.
Lip gloss a must? Lipstick is, not lip gloss
Status? Single, looking for an open-minded woman.
Have you ever dressed unlike yourself to impress a guy? No.
Do you often wish there was something you could change about yourself? Yes [three guesses]
Gold or silver? Gold.
The guy girl that you like/love/whatever, what does his her name begin with? D
Do you dress up too much for holidays? No, but I wish that the family did. I think it makes the holiday special.
Do you like wearing dresses? Yes, for something special but unfortunately getting dressed up is getting out of style.
Do you write a lot of mushy love poems? No
What makeup could you not live without? Lipstick
By the Way Sunday
By the way...
What's your preference...
green beans or green peas?
carrots or cucumbers?
corn or black-eyed peas?
Corn, especially fresh picked corn on the cob.
broccoli or brussel sprouts?
I’ll pass on this one.
potatoes or asparagus?
Potatoes – baked, boiled or fried. I love potatoes pancakes.
cabbage or spinach?
zucchini or cauliflower?
radishes or sweet peppers?
Both, but I like sweet peepers slightly more.
Saturday Six - Episode 201
1. When you’re going to have a regular glazed doughnut, do you prefer it hot, cold or room temperature?
Hot and sticky is nice, but I will settle for it at any temperature.
2. If you see a box of a dozen doughnuts, and there are no objections from the others in the room, can you stop at just one doughnut?
Well… I… um… only eat one… Ah… most of the time. Um, if no one is around, I might have another one.
3. Which spelling do you prefer for the treat: doughnut or donut? Which do you see most often?
Donut, I think that is the most common spelling here in the Northeast.
4. Take the quiz: What Donut are You?
You Are a Boston Creme Donut |
You have a tough exterior. No one wants to mess with you. But on the inside, you're a total pushover and completely soft. You're a traditionalist, and you don't change easily. You're likely to eat the same doughnut every morning, and pout if it's sold out. |
5. When was the last time you had this specific kind of donut?
Nine months ago at the last project meeting that certain engineer use to bring to the meeting.
6. If you worked in a donut store, and had to make them as part of your job, how long do you think it would take you — if at all — to become sick of even looking at a donut?
A couple of hours, I like donuts but they are way to sweet and oily to eat a lot of them.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Creative Cocktail Hour

About five minutes later, Real Art Ways’ neighbor saw our plight and opened a gate to his property and let us out that way. He was very nice to do that, he was says that he shouldn’t do it, that RAW she take care of their problem. He blocked his driveway after we left, so I do not know what the others did to get out. RAW was making announcements about moving cars out of the way but only one came out to move their car, the other three cars was still there when I left. The spot where the car was that moved, we had to keep chasing cars out of there, because they saw the open spot and pulled in.
I blame RAW somewhat because they should indicate a no parking zone for an exit, but I blame the idiots who parked there more. They could see that there was no exit but parked they there anyway and they ignored the announcements to move their car.
Friday Fill-Ins #60
1. _Arriving_ is the best thing about traveling.
2. I love a good _cup of hot chocolate milk _ when I'm cold.
3. I often use _jar opener_.
4. I'm reading _textbooks_ right now; I _wouldn’t recommend_ it.
5. _Sex_ is something I dislike talking about.
6. When I visited _Wadsworth Atheneum _ I most looked forward to seeing _the Surrealist Paintings _.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _curling up in front of the woodstove, watching the snow come down_, tomorrow my plans include _digging out_ and Sunday, I want to _go hiking, but it is going to hard to find a place to hike because of the foot of snow they forecasted for today (Friday)_!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
It was a Great Day Today
After the forum finished, I went over to the Capital to talk to my representative but the House was in session so I had a long wait until he came out and talked to me. He told me that he fully supported and would help it to get it on the floor for a vote this year. In the area roped off for the lobbyist, we had the most lobbyist, we probably had about twenty people there to lobby for gender equality.
There were a number of students there from area colleges, who were there as allies and they wanted to know what they could do to help. Also, there were a number of trans-people who showed up; I know a lot trans-people in the community but there were a number of trans-people there that I never met before. So that was a good sign that we got the word out.
The only drawback was that I was wearing high heels and had to stand on the hard marble floor for two hours until my representative was free to talk to me. My feet were killing me, when I got home I soaked my feet in hot water… Ahh!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
I Hate Asking for Favors
Asking a favor and calling someone that I do not know on the phone. If it is someone I don’t know and I have to also ask them a favor then I really dread doing that, it is a double whammy.
This is that situation, the dreaded double whammy.
I Have A Favor To Ask
PLEASE Take One Hour in your day on Wednesday to Visibly Stand With Us and Say:
Discrimination is Unacceptable
DATE: Wednesday February 20th, 2008
Forum: 11:00 AM - Noon
Legislator Lobbying: Following Forum
LOCATION: Room 2A at the Legislative Office Building in Hartford [300 Capital Ave, Hartford] Directions
MORE: On Wednesday, February 20, 2008 from 11 AM till Noon, the Anti-Discrimination Coalition will be holding an educational forum on the Gender Identity and Expression Anti-Discrimination Bill in room 2A at the Legislative Office Building in Hartford, to be followed by a lobby day event.
View Flyer
View Anti-Discrimination Bill Q&A
View Anti-Discrimination Bill Info Sheet
This is your chance to learn about the Gender Identity and Expression Anti-discrimination bill to be raised in the upcoming CT Legislative session and its impact on our state's residents. Following the forum you will have the opportunity to talk to your representatives about the bill and why it is important, with materials provided by the Anti-Discrimination Coalition. See TransEqualityCT.org website for background information and bill updates to be released during the 2008 CT Legislative session.
The panel will feature Rachel Goldberg, Jennifer Levi, Virginia Levasseur and Jerimarie Liesegang. Panelists will discuss proposed legislation that would add the phrase "gender identity or expression" to Connecticut's non-discrimination law, thereby prohibiting discrimination on the basis of gender identity or expression in education, employment, housing, public accommodations and lending. Should this bill pass, Connecticut will be joining 13 other states and Washington, DC in protecting its residents from this kind of discrimination.
If you have any questions, please contact Sally, Coordinator, Anti-Discrimination Coalition, (860) 247-6090 ext. 23, stamarkin @ cwealf.org
The CT Anti-Discrimination Coalition
Are You a Redneck
You Are 5% Redneck |
I'll slap you so hard, your clothes will be outta style. You ain't no redneck - you're all Yankee! |
I didn't think I would score that high, it must have been the time I went hunting when I was 16.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Manic Monday
What do you order when you eat Chinese food?
This is a very easy question for me; I hate Chinese food so I do not eat it.
How much have you controlled the course your life has taken?
I believe we have no control in what was handed to us but we control on how we handle it.
Whose opinion do you value when deciding how to vote?
I do not listen to anyone person; instead, I try forming my own opinion from all sources.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Capture a picture of your computer’s desktop.*
Post it on your blog along with a link to who tagged you.
Tag some people.
*Here’s how you can do a screen capture:
1- View desktop and press the Print Scrn key (located in the upper right corner of your keyboard on the same row as the F12 key). It’s Command-Control-Shift-3 for Mac.
2- Open a graphics program (like Picture Manager, Paint, or Photoshop) and do a Paste (CTRL + V).
3 - If you wish, you can “edit” the image, before saving it, but it is best that no icons be deleted before the screen capture so as to add to the element of fun.
So here is mine…

It is a photography of the Race Point Light House in Provincetown MA that I took last October.
By the Way Sunday
By the way...
What are 2 things that...
make you happy?
Getting an “A” on a test and dinning out with friends
you can't wait for?
Spring and going up to the cottage
drive you crazy?
Slow drivers pulling out on to the highway and people who chew gum
encourage you?
My friends and family
make you sleepy?
Reading a textbook and a full meal
make you sad?
Someone who lies to me and a “Chick Flick” (I hate that term, but it is the easiest way to describe the movie.)
you dread doing?
Asking a favor and calling someone that I do not know on the phone. If it is someone I don’t know and I have to also ask them a favor then I really dread doing that, it is a double whammy.
you wish you had?
Well I’ll pick the obvious ones, health and wealth.
you'd like to give to others?
Love and caring
you plan to do today?
Finish writing my weekly class journal and relaxing
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Saturday Six - Episode 200
1. Other than a period, which punctuation mark do you think you use the most?
The comma, I think I over use it.
2. If a question mark indicated that you are inquisitive and an explanation point indicated that you are excitable, which mark best represents your personality?
The question mark, I am very inquisitive.
3. Which punctuation mark gave you the most trouble in school?
The comma, I never when to use it or not to use it.
4. Take the quiz: What’s Punctuation Mark Are You?
You Are a Question Mark |
You seek knowledge and insight in every form possible. You love learning. And while you know a lot, you don't act like a know it all. You're open to learning you're wrong. You ask a lot of questions, collect a lot of data, and always dig deep to find out more. You're naturally curious and inquisitive. You jump to ask a question when the opportunity arises. Your friends see you as interesting, insightful, and thought provoking. (But they're not always up for the intense inquisitions that you love!) You excel in: Higher education You get along best with: The Comma |
5. Which do you tend to be better at: punctuation or spelling?
Neither. I am horrible at both. Thank goodness for Microsoft spelling and grammar checker.
6. If you could banish one punctuation mark forever, which would you choose and why?
The semicolon because then I wouldn’t have to guess which to use; a comma or a semicolon.
There Are a Lot of Sickos Out There.
P.S. I debated with myself on whether or not I should include the link because I didn't want to give the web-site a link and I decided not to. Those who want to verify what I wrote email me and I will send you the link.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Friday Fill-Ins: #59
1. Snowdrops are _like crocuses_.
2. I'm going to _the dogs_.
3. _"Turn the Page"_ is a song whose lyrics have meaning to me.
4. Just one sip and _love will get you_.
5. _When I am home_ is where I'm happiest.
6. I believe that _love_ is a necessary part of life.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _seeing Varla Jean Merman Loves A Foreign Tongue at Trinity College (if there are tickets still available)_, tomorrow my plans include _The 2007 Academy Award Nominated Short Animation at Real Art Ways_ and Sunday, I want to _have lunch with my brother and sister-in-law_!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Here Is What Can Be Done To Make School Safer For Gender Variant Children
Stop the Hate!
15-year-old shot at Calif. middle school
The victim was a constant target for other boys, as he would reportedly wear women's jewelry, makeup, and had declared himself gay, according to the Los Angeles Times. Investigators have not verified if the boy is indeed gay.
"This kind of incident is the most difficult for police officers," Keith [Oxnard Police Department spokesman] said. "A 15-year-old should be allowed to go to school and be in a safe environment but this sort of thing happens all over the country."

Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Ice Storm

We are in the grips of an ice storm and we have lost power one this morning already for about 5 minutes. Just long enough so that I had to got around and reset all my clocks, and reprogram the radio stations. Hopefully, the wind will not pick up.
Last night’s class got out just in time, by the time I got home there was a thin coating on the roads and they were just starting to become slippery. Some time over night the snow changed to freezing rain.
This is a view looking over towards my neighbor back porch, as you can see everything is covered with a thick coating of ice and all the trees are bending over from the weight. Every once in a while I hear the crack of a limb or tree breaking under the weight. The temperature is just about freezing and the weather report says the temperature should increase to above freezing.
P.S. 1:00pm I just went to get the mail and I slipped and fell in to a puddle of ice water. I'm soaking wet, sneakers all fulled with ice water. Oh, so much fun :(
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Why Did The Police Release The Information On What The Victim Was Wearing?
Police identify transgender murder victim, refuse to release name
By Todd Heywood
(Issue 1606 - Between The Lines News)
DETROIT-- The Detroit Police Department has identified a murdered man found in women's clothing in an empty lot. However, they are refusing to release the name to the public.
"We have identified the victim, but we are not releasing the name," Detroit Police Officer Leon Rahmaan said. "We are not releasing the name at the request of the family."
But that is not all…
Michigan Messenger and Between the Lines, Michigan's statewide LBGT newspaper, filed a formal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with the Detroit Police Department this afternoon.
Why does a LGBT newspaper feel the need to embarrass the victim and the victim’s family further? Knowing the person’s name will serve no purpose let her rest in peace.
Here in Connecticut it is against the law to release how a victim is dressed. A high school principal was stopped for drunk driving and the police reported that he was dressed as a woman at the time; the family was totally devastated at the news. As a result of that case the law was passed making it illegal to disclose the type of clothes a person was wearing.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Manic Monday
In honor of Valentine's Day this week:
What is the most romantic movie that you've ever seen?
“Fifty First Dates” I think it was so moving because ever day he had to win her love.
If you could be the lover of any person alive other than your current lover, who would you pick?
I would just pick some woman who will love for who I am.
What scents remind you of a loved one?
Lavender, it reminds me of my grandmother. That is one of the reasons I planted a lilac tree outside of my bedroom window.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
This is not your typical Bingo game, it is a young crowd, they are there to have fun, and playing Bingo is secondary. They crowd towards the end of the night are rather (how should I phrase it) in good spirits and also the money goes for a good cause the Hartford Gay and Lesbian Health Collective, a free client.
Before going to Bingo some of us went out to eat first at the Pond House, of course when I saw “Lobster” I knew what I was going to have “Lobster Mac & Cheese - Pasta with Maine lobster, spinach and a blend of cheeses topped with herbed bread crumbs.” I like lobster and I like Mac & Cheese so I decided to give it a try, it was OK, nothing special.
Saturday, February 09, 2008
Saturday Six - Episode 199
1. Do you think that you tend to ask more questions or answer other people’s?
I think it is about even; I tend to ask question about things that I don’t know, but people come to me for advice.
2. With how many people are you generally completely honest all the time?
About 99% of the time. The only time I am not is when telling the truth will hurt their feelings (Does this dress look good on me? I usually tell them that it does.) or when I am told confidential information (I will play dumb, as when I was told they were going to be closing the factory at a staff meeting.)
3. Do you think you lose your temper more or less than the average person?
I cannot remember the last time I lost my temper.
4. Take the quiz: What’s Normal About You…And What’s Not?
You Are Fairly Normal |
You scored 35% normal on this quiz Like most people you are normal in some ways... But you aren't a completely normal person. You're a little weird too! Why You Are Normal: If you had to, you rather live without music and still have laughter You prefer the sun to the moon You prefer ruffled potato chips You would eat meat from a cloned animal If given the choice, you would choose to have more money over more time Why You Aren't Normal: You find the Chicken Dance to be the more embarrassing dance You think fishnet stockings are sexy You are no longer with your first love You'd rather have cockroaches than rats in your home You would rather be tan than pale |
5. Of the reasons listed to explain why you are normal, which did you find to be the biggest surprise?
That I would eat meat from a cloned animal.
6. Of the reasons listed to explain why you are not normal, which did you find to be the biggest surprise?
That “You are no longer with your first love.” Somehow, I do not think most people are still married to their first love, unless the average age of those they asked was thirteen.
On Men, Women and the Rest of Us

I went up to Smith College in Northampton MA. last night to listen to Kate Bornstein. The show was very good but the drive up was horrible. A normal one-hour drive took close to two hours because we left at 4:30 and hit all the rush hour traffic in Hartford and Springfield. At the theater, I was talking to an acquaintance who works at a ski area in southern Vermont and she pointed out that it is also winter vacation week for a good number of schools and many families are heading north for a ski week. We were planning to go out to eat at Northampton Brewery but because of the heavy traffic, we had undercooked pizza instead at a pizzeria across the street from Smith College.
Kate Bornstein read from her book “Gender Warrior: On Men, Women and the Rest of Us”, this is the third time that I saw her performance and she is still just as fresh and witty as the first time I saw her. One of the skits that she did was called “Who are You?” and it was about her “Coming Out” to her Jewish mother told from her mother’s point of view; how at first her mother disowned her but shortly afterward accepted her, in a heavy Jewish New Jersey accent her mother called her “My son the lesbian” to her friends. In another skit, she made fun of pronouns… “You, has no gender. Me, has no gender, while she does.” and she performed the skit using a Brooklyn accent of a teacher.
If she come to an area college near you, go and see her you will have blast!
Oh, about the card! Towards the end of her show she was talking about her latest book, “Hello Cruel World: 101 Alternatives to Suicide for Teens, Freaks and Other Outlaws” and she was telling her secrets for living outside the box… do what ever you have to, but just don’t be mean and if you get sent to hell just tell Satan that Kate will do your time for you, since she is going there anyway. What's a couple more eternities.
Friday, February 08, 2008
Fill In Fridays # 58
Janet’s Fill-in Friday: #58
1. I'm looking forward to _____.
2. _____ is a place I always wanted to visit and haven't made it there yet.
3. I've fallen in love with _____.
4. Six of one, _____.
5. Addiction _____.
6. The _____ crack me up!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!
1. I'm looking forward to _spring and the return of warmer weather_.
2. _Yosemite_ is a place I always wanted to visit and haven't made it there yet.
3. I've fallen in love with _my Prius_.
4. Six of one, _half a dozen of another_.
5. Addiction _sneak’s up on tiny feet_.
6. The _President_ crack me up!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _seeing Kate Bornstein performance in Northampton MA._, tomorrow my plans include _going to Bingo_ and Sunday, I want to _recuperate from the last four days_!
Discrimination and Transphobia; Rears Its Ugly Head…
The news item is an “Outing” of a trans-woman by the police in Australia…
Transgender woman bashed because of police breach
From Australia's GenQ
Published Feb 8, 2008
Garrick Jacobson was unaware his girlfriend had a sex change, until the police told him he was "sleeping with a guy", a court heard yesterday.
"The officers were, like, paying me out," Jacobson recalled in a subsequent police interview.
"Just laughing their heads off, (saying) she's a bloke. You've been sleeping with a guy, ha ha ha."
The revelation pushed him "over the edge", Downing Centre Local Court heard, and just hours later he assaulted his then girlfriend Brigitte Fell at her inner Sydney home….
…. After being released from custody, he broke into Ms Fell's unit, yelling: "You didn't tell me you were actually a man - I'm going to smash you."
Jacobson said he slapped Ms Fell, who tumbled over a railing to the floor below and was knocked out.
This is just transphobia, the officer took his bigotry on Ms Fell and that hate almost caused her death. The officer is now on trial for revealing privacy information.
Last night, I went to see the “Vagina Monologues” with some friends. The “Vagina Monologues” are a series of short stories that were written by Eve Ensler that tell some women’s views about their vaginas. It is both funny and serious; it has stories about first loves and about rape in Sarajevo. One of the monologues is “They Beat the Girl Out of My Boy...Or So They Tried” and here is a video clip (not from last night but some other performance) of that monologue on YouTube…
However, the play is not without controversy; the major controversy is where a twenty-six year old woman rapes a thirteen old girl. In Eve Ensler defense of the play she says that was how victim described the rape to her in the interview and that she was only reporting it as she the rape was told to her.
Thursday, February 07, 2008
What Kind of Wine Are You?
You Are Chardonnay |
Fresh, spirited, and classic - you have many facets to your personality. You can be sweet and light. Or deep and complex. You have a little bit of something to offer everyone... no wonder you're so popular. Approachable and never smug, you are easy to get to know (and love!). Deep down you are: Dependable and modest Your partying style: Understated and polite Your company is enjoyed best with: Cold or wild meat |
I think that I agree with that, when I order wine I order Chardonnay almost exclusively.
(1) Link to the person that tagged you.
(2) Post the rules on your blog.
(3) Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself.
(4) Tag two random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
(5) Let each random person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their site.
1. I like folk music, my brother listened to groups like the Kingston Trio; Peter, Paul and Mary; Pete Seeger and Judy Collins, and some of it rubbed off on me.
2. I do not like Chinese or Asian food.
3. Since college, I only had three jobs
4. In high school I was in the Science Club
5. In my younger days I use to ski
6. One of my dreams is to take a windjammer cruise along the Maine coast.
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Sunday's Hike in the Park

Manic Monday
Is there anything to serious to joke about? If so, what falls into that category for you?
Yes, any joke that is at another expense, like it makes fun at a persons race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, etc. I thought that the Super Bowl commercials for Sales Genie were offensive because they made fun of the Indian and Chinese .
Would you rather be a tortured genius or a happy simple-minded person? Why?
I rather be a happy simple-minded person because I am already a tortured genius… just kidding. I think the keywords are tortured and happy, I rather be happy.
A dear friend or family member has a terminal illness and is in agony. He/she wants you to help him/her die. What would you do?
I do not know what I would do and I hope and pray I will never be put into a situation like that. But I will tell you this – I had the Power of Attorney for my father and I had to honor his “Living Will” and I am still haunted with making that decision, I still think of the “maybes” and “what ifs”
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
I Have Been Busy the Last Couple of Days
On Sunday, I went hiking (pictures tomorrow.) and then to a Super Bowl party. I wasn’t planning on doing anything for the Super Bowl but I got invited to the party and I was glad that I went because it was a good game.
Thursday I am going to see the “Vagina Monologues”, Friday up to Smith College to a fundraiser with Kate Bornstein, on Saturday Gay Bingo and on Sunday just sit back and relax.
Sunday, February 03, 2008
By the Way Sunday
By the way...
Do you like soup? Year around or just in the winter months?
Yes, I like soup year round but in the winter I tend to like cream or broth soups and year round, I like chowders. Last night for dinner I had Lobster Bisque.
What is your favorite soup?
New England Clam Chowder, but lately I have been having Rhode Island Clam Chowder because it has less calories (No cream or flour) than the New England style.
Overall, do you prefer a clear broth soup or a cream soup?
Right now, I am in a cream soups phase. However, I did just make a crock-pot of chicken soup.
What's your favorite soup base: chicken broth, beef broth, or maybe a tomato base?
Chicken based.
Did you eat alphabet soup as a child, or maybe chicken noodle was your favorite?
I cannot remember that far back; I think I maybe had tomato soup a lot back then.
What's the most unusual soup that you have tried?
It is a toss up between pumpkin and butternut squash soup.
Do you have a favorite soup recipe or soup site that you can share with us?
The chicken soup is nothing fancy and my New England Clam Chowder recipe is just the classic recipe.
Saturday, February 02, 2008
Now is Not the Time.
And what about “No Child Left Behind”?
Bush's Budget Would Rival The Record Deficit of 2004
By Michael Abramowitz and Jonathan Weisman
Washington Post Staff Writers
Sunday, February 3, 2008; Page A06
President Bush will present a budget tomorrow that would slow the growth of Medicare and cut or eliminate an array of domestic programs but still anticipates a flood of new red ink that will rival the record deficits of his first term, administration officials said.
Bush's fiscal 2009 budget would increase defense spending by 5 percent and put a modest amount of new money into favored initiatives such as veterans affairs, education and homeland security.
But the president wants to dramatically slow the growth of big federal health programs, reduce anti-terrorism grants for states and cities, and cut spending on anti-poverty, housing and social service programs, according to budget documents and interviews with officials throughout the federal government.
Even as he proposes restoring funding for the controversial Reading First program, Bush will take aim at a number of education initiatives, officials said. The early literacy program Even Start would be eliminated, as would grants to states for education technology, technology careers and incarcerated youth.Who does our fearless leader blame? Congress of course (Which was Republican controlled up until a couple of years ago)…
White House officials and allies acknowledge the long-term problem but pin the blame on Congress for ignoring the president's calls to control the growth of Social Security and Medicare.Yes, Congress is a part of the problem with all their special interest entitlement programs but President can veto their budget. But don’t you think that maybe his tax cuts for the rich and the war in Iraq might had something to do with the deficit…
Administration aides said Bush's final year budget documents will very much reflect the major priorities of his first seven years -- keeping his tax cuts in place and adding significant increases for defense and counterterrorism.
Saturday Six - Episode 198
1. You sit down at a restaurant table and notice a $5 bill tucked away — apparently, a tip left by a previous patron — that the wait staff missed. How likely would you be to keep the five bucks for yourself?
No, I would give it to the wait staff. I feel that to keep it would be stealing.
2. Do you think that your friends know more gossip about you, or that you know more about them?
I try not to gossip or listen to gossip. However, I think that I have been at the center of gossip; people just can resist talking about me after all I did transition.
3. If you could, would you prefer to reverse your answer to Question 2?
I do not see how I could stop them from talking about me, it is human nature.
4. Take the quiz: Are you virtuous?
You Are Mostly Virtuous |
You try to do the right thing, and you have ended up with many virtues. While you are virtuous, you aren't a saint. There's definitely a bit of devilishness deep in your heart! Where You Are Virtuous You have the virtue of tranquillity. You do your best to keep your life peaceful and calm. You have the virtue of Moderation. You don't do anything at excess, and you avoid extremes You have the virtue of Frugality. You spend your money wisely, and you are not wasteful. Where You Are Not Virtuous You lack the virtue of Order. Many aspects of your life are chaotic and a total mess. You lack the virtue of Industry. You have trouble doing what's important, and you tend to waste time. You lack the virtue of Cleanliness. You are quite messy... and maybe even a little dirty. |
I disagree with being dirty: messy -- yes, dirty -- no
5. You see a new product come out you really want, but it’s a little outside of your price range. (Let’s say that it costs about $300 or so.) How likely are you to wait until you have the full price saved before you go and buy it?
I rarely buy something when I want it, it is not so much that I will wait until it on sale, but instead to decide if I really need or want it. An example is the Epson printer I want, I do not think if I will use it enough to justify the cost. Most of the time I only post my photos on my blog and I worry that the printer ink will dry out from lack of use. That I will have to buy ink cartridges every time I want to print something.
6. You go out with friends to a going-away party for a colleague, and it is held at a local pub. How likely are you to drink at least to the point of feeling a “buzz”?
-Zero- My usual drinking habits when I go out is to have one Cape Cod (Vodka, cranberry juice and a lime.) and then for the rest of the night drink cranberry juice mixed with seltzer and a lime.
Friday, February 01, 2008
Help! I Have A Question for Everyone
I have no idea how they get into the house but I hear their little feet pitter-pattering running up and down on the ceiling. If they were only quiet guests I wouldn't mind, but they have noisy little feet. I tried putting peanut butter by my recessed lights (One time a mouse feel through the recessed light onto my kitchen counter, right next to the stove, missing a pot of boiling pasta by inches.).
Fill-in Friday: #57
1. Once I was _shy_.
2. _I tried of_ being sick.
3. Today at work I _was at a meeting… and then I woke up and realized it was all a dream_.
4. What's _life_ all about?
5. If I make a mistake _I admit it and try to correct it__.
6. When I woke up this morning, I thought _of the phone calls I had to make today_.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _going to a coffee-shop to hear a folk singer with some friends_, tomorrow my plans include _writing my weekly paper for class_ and Sunday, I want to _go hiking – if you haven’t figured it out yet, Sunday is the day I going hiking with some friends_!