Advanced Seminar in Photography:
Shooting People, Places and Things
This course is designed for photographers with intermediate to advanced skill level. While studying the master photographers in each of our subjects of people, places and things, students will shoot assignments that will include landscape, night photography, people, and still life. Class time will be a combination of photographic technique, discussion of well known photographers, and critique of student work. We will work in both color and black and white. Both digital and fi lm cameras are welcome.
CRN #31628 6 Mondays (on alternate weeks; does not meet 10/8), 10/1; 10/15; 10/29; 11/5; 11/19; 12/3; 7-9 p.m. MCC Bldg. AST D229 & 2 Saturdays, 10/13 & 11/10, will meet off-campus, sites and times to be discussed in class. Fee: $140
Instructor: Mallorie Ostrowitz holds an M.F.A. from Lehman College and a B.A. in fine arts from Queens College. Her photography has been widely exhibited throughout the U.S. and can be viewed on her web site:
This in addition to my classes at UConn for my Masters.
But this one is just for fun! Good for you for doing this.