Sunday, December 15, 2024

A Facebook Feed.


So you know how Facebook sticks those “Sponsored” post well this one was a right-wing blog, and it showed some insight just how the conservatives looks at us…
Editor's Note
The destructive Left operates on a politics of hatred: hatred for the heritage and values of America, and hatred for Donald Trump. ______________ points (The author of the article) out a surprising connection between these two hatreds: Trump’s possession of what Plato called a “timocratic soul” — the soul compelled by love of honor — drives him to the same virtues that enabled the great achievements of the American past. This is what makes Trump’s promise to Make America Great Again so inspiring to many, and so repulsive to others.
This is what many Republicans think, that they are saving America from us the LGBTQ+ community,  and from the infidels. They want to go back to when Blacks knew their place, where gays were in dark and sleazy bars, and we were deep in the closet.

Have you noticed that when the oppressed speak up that they’re uppity and don’t know their place. The push-back discourages marginalized voices from challenging the status quo and to silence dissent. It reinforce the notion that marginalized groups should remain submissive… “Yes master, anything you say.”

The “heritage and values of America” for them that is the ruling class. Their values of racism, sexism, xenophobia, and oppression of those who are different.

Dr. King wrote from the Birmingham when he was arrested for protesting, the Ohio Capitol Journal writes,
 “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere,” King wrote on April 16, 1963. “We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.”


The deeper message from King’s response continues to apply today. Just replace “Birmingham” with any town, city or state, and “Negro” with the long-oppressed segment of a community that remains stifled under the weight of inaction. Sadly, the latter reference doesn’t have to be changed in many places, just updated to “Black.”

Like Birmingham in the 1960s, America still harbors tyranny in plain sight in 2023. Much of it is with the complicity – and outright encouragement – of today’s power structure. Proof is not hard to find.

Just ask any of the migrants who have been bussed across the country, used as political pawns with no regard for their well-being or long-term welfare.

Ask members of the vulnerable LGBTQ community, made scapegoats by those who weaponize religion.
As for the for the “heritage and values of America” it is the liberals who are honoring the nation’s values. This country was founded on “Religious Freedom” they fled Europe because of religious oppression and now the Right they want to create a “Christian Nation” and they think it is okay. From that belief in a Christian Nation comes the systemic discrimination of the LGBTQ+ community and of those non-believers.
They think that the laws requiring treating people equally discriminates against them, they believe that it is their god given right to discriminate against others but it is all right to impose their religion on others because that is what god told them to do.

In Florida the 15-week abortion ban is still in effect even through it violations many religious beliefs, the law is based on only evangelical Christians beliefs.
Dr. King wrote in Letter from the Birmingham Jail that,
“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.” 
 United we stand... divided we fall! We must build coalitions to stand together!

You should keep in mind that they believe being LGBTQ+ is a choice, that one day we sit down and think… “Gee, I want to be trans! It looks like fun being oppressed and beaten up!” They can believe in anything else because then it would contradict their faith if we were born this way.

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