Saturday, October 12, 2024



We all know about that and how the right-wing folks are in a tizzy over it. And I say so what if a person detransitions! What difference does it make to them? Sure under 10 percent detransition and some even retransition back again.

I know a trans person who detransitioned because she couldn’t get a job, but they still are trans, it was the discrimination that she couldn’t handle. She goes to work as male, but at home and at night she’s a woman. Another person detransitioned because she found out that she is gay, not trans… so what. He is doing okay, the world didn’t do a flip-flop, didn’t come to a halt, life just went on.

The right-wing hates us. They think that it a choice and that it is all or nothing (They prefer the nothing.) none of this “Binary” sh*t! They see us as something disgusting so when transition or detransition they think it horrible that we wasted our life with that “nonsense.”

We know that it is spectrum, a continuum. Nothing in nature is black and white. We are not all the same height, we are not all the same color, we have different hair texture, we are all different… we are unique!

No one know why we are trans, we just are. No one know why people are left handed… they just are. We don’t get into a tizzy when we meet a left-handed person but at one time they were treated as the devil’s work! Touched by the devil! And now the Christian right-wing treat us the same way as they did in medieval times left-handed people.

In medieval Christianity played a significant role in perpetuating negative attitudes towards left-handedness and now we are seeing the same thing in the way they are treating us now. It is funny how a religion can preach love but at the same time hate people who are different.

When a person detransitions, personally I think that are still trans. It just that transitioning is not for them. But the right-wing makes them their poster boy, dragging them around from legislature to legislature with their tale of woe.

It is not the horrors of horrors, but the right-wing makes it out to be.

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