Sunday, October 27, 2024

Day 8 Transweek. The Party’s Over!

Everyone packing up heading back to their homes, for me the name of one workshop is very fitting; “Lost in the Provincetown Fog”, or as used to be called “Lost in the Pink Fog.”
Lost in the Provincetown Fog

You finally made it to Provincetown, and TransWeek was the most fabulous experience of your life. You’re pumped up, full of new self-confidence, and unable to think about anything but expressing yourself in your preferred gender role. Back at home, the world seems drab and you chafe at having to hide part of yourself from your family, friends, and co-workers. You want to burst forth, heedless of consequences, and proclaim yourself to the world, and you think you just might. Congratulations. You’re in the Provincetown Fog. The fog is the state of euphoria we experience when we take our gender expression to a new level. It’s a dangerous time to make decisions, and yet a time when we most want to. Come talk about the Provincetown Fog with your peers and get suggestions on how to find your way out of it. Highly recommended for first timers.
The thing is, it is true!

Last's night Awards Banquet...

The food was very good. I sat at a table of ten, there were a few people who I knew but now I have new friends (It turns out that one of the doctors at the conference has a cottage on the next street over in Wellfleet and another lives in Truro. But best of all I got some names for a plumber and a lawn care person.

My only minor complaint were the music was too loud (Just like at weddings people want to talk to each out and they can't hear them because of the loud music.) my favorite word last night was "What?" and the hors d'oeuvres. Our table of ten had about 20 mushroom hors d'oeuvres and only 5 bacon wrapped scallops.

But I understand because of complications with their regular banquet facilities being temporarily closed they had to scramble to find a new place for the banquet.

I remember one year at Awards Banquet that was at Michael Shays, it was before I came out and hadn't transitioned yet. It was another buffet at the restaurant as I was in line for the food I heard a table behind us saying... "It is going to be a beautiful day for flying tomorrow!"

Whoa I recognized that voice! I know him since second grade! I slowly glanced over there and ... OMG! It is the hang glider club! Not only we he there but also his wife and a half a dozen people for the hang glider club in Connecticut that I knew from my days when I hang glided! I panicked and freaked out all night. 

Later when I came out I asked them about that night... no one remembered it. And later after I had transitioned I was at a Fourth of July party with them... well it didn't go well. Nothing negative just that now I was an outsider. 

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