Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Connecticut Ballot Question **Reprint**


There will be a ballot question about allowing voting by mail.

My state representative appears to be a MAGA Republican she bought into the “The Big Lie”
Our top priority should always be ensuring the integrity of our elections, both at a municipal and state-wide level. Unfortunately, the debate over election integrity has become contentious and partisan. Political buzzwords like disenfranchised and voter suppression are thrown at those who suggest identification or signature verification are unjust requirements to casting a ballot.

No one wants to disenfranchise voters, but when improprieties occur like they have in places like Bridgeport and others, not doing more to ensure the security of our elections in order to avoid repeat incidents, unfortunately does just that.
Was there voter fraud in Bridgeport… yes indeed! She was caught, tried, and convicted. But that was one out of millions.

She goes on to say,
For me it begs the question, is "No Excuse" absentee voting really necessary? Personally, I don't think so. With the most recent changes to extend the amount of time residents have to vote (and now, to vote early) and the broad definitions on who can request an absentee ballot, it seems redundant to possibly add to our already expansive array of absentee options.

Our residents deserve fair and honest elections where bad actors are punished to the full extent of the law. That can only happen when we eliminate circumstances where these improprieties can occur. Removing COVID-era drop boxes and requiring identification when filling out a ballot shouldn't be partisan issues, they are meant to ensure our elections are safe and secure and no voter is disenfranchised by dishonest individuals.
Um, she is middle class, I don’t know but I bet she drives and has one job. So she probably doesn’t think about those who don’t drive. Or those who work multiple jobs and works 7 days a week! That is why we need mail-in-ballots. But then again they usually vote for Democrats.
The bill passed (You can read the bill here.)with not a single Republican voting for it... the "Big Lie" comes to Connecticut. I see lawn signs out… vote “No” on the ballot question. The Republicans are in a full court press.
So what is the ballot question in question?
Ballot Question
Shall the Constitution of the State be amended to permit the General Assembly to allow each voter to vote by absentee ballot?
Simple and direct.
But that is half of it, the law reads, the Secretary of State website goes on to say,
Text of the Proposed Constitutional Amendment
Section 1. That the following be proposed as an amendment to the Constitution of the State, which, when approved and adopted in the manner provided by the Constitution, shall, to all intents and purposes, become a part thereof:

Section 7 of article sixth of the Constitution is amended to read as follows:
Sec. 7. The general assembly may provide by law for voting in the choice of any officer to be elected or upon any question to be voted on at an election by qualified voters of the state who [are unable to] will not appear at the polling place on the day of election. [because of absence from the city or town of which they are inhabitants or because of sickness or physical disability or because the tenets of their religion forbid secular activity.]
Adopted May 30, 2023
The Republican know that many low income people and minorities vote mainly Democrat and they want to throw as many road blocks as they can to keep them from voting as possible.

The Heritage Foundation (You know, the people who brought us Project 2025) keeps a list of voter fraud in the different states, for Connecticut they report, since 1988 there were... (a drum roll please) a total of 30! This massive voter fraud swayed many elections! NOT!

There is no voter fraud. This Constitutional amendment is good thing and allow more people to vote and what is wrong with that?

Vote "Yes" on the ballot question, don't buy into the Republican's "Big Lie!"
Vote Blue on the Democratic line.

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