Sunday, October 27, 2024

Believe Him!

He says he will be a fascist believe him… when he say he is going after his opponents believe him. When he stays he is going to stuff government jobs with his cronies believe him.
Republicans are targeting $3 billion in federal contracts after a consultant disclosed messages unconnected to his work.
The Washington Post
By Peter Jamison
October 7, 2024

Republicans backing Donald Trump are threatening Deloitte, a consulting firm that is one of the federal government’s largest business partners, with the loss of billions of dollars in contracts because an employee shared messages from 2020 in which JD Vance, now the GOP vice-presidential nominee, criticized the then-president’s record.

On Sept. 27, Donald Trump Jr. exposed the employee’s name and photograph to millions of people on social media, writing, “Maybe it’s time for the GOP to end Deloitte’s taxpayer funded gravy train?” Others — including Vance’s chief spokesman and a Republican senator — circulated Trump Jr.’s comments, and the conservative website Breitbart published a story naming the man and highlighting his job.


Ethics experts said the episode is a potentially ominous preview of how a second Trump administration might use the enormous power the federal government wields over private industry to punish political acts by individual workers. Although federal contracting laws prohibit cutting off a business because of its workers’ private political views, such threats could have a chilling effect, they said.

“I’ve never seen anything like this,” said Kedric Payne, senior director of ethics at the nonpartisan Campaign Legal Center and former deputy chief counsel in the Office of Congressional Ethics, adding that the goal was probably to pressure Deloitte into firing the worker. “You can’t imagine that if one employee out of thousands made a statement that offended an official, that then the government contracts would be in jeopardy.”
Believe him! He is a very vindictive! He goes after the jugular vein, he is nothing but petty tyrant.
The episode is the latest bout of public threats from Trump’s MAGA movement. The former president has threatened to use the Justice Department to jail his opponents, among other things, if he wins a second term. Many Trump supporters on social media have urged that Gallagher be fired.
And his loyal cult followers eat it right up cheering him on!

Meanwhile down in Texas the town council is following the long line of Republicans persecuting minorities, this time we’re it!
LGBTQ+ advocates called the ban one of the most extreme measures enacted by a local government.
Texas Tribune
By Carlos Nogueras Ramos
October 23, 2024

The City Council on Tuesday banned transgender people from using restrooms outside of the sex assigned to them at birth, following an emotionally charged exchange between residents and city leaders.

In a 5-2 vote, members of the council expanded a 1989 ordinance that prohibits individuals from entering restrooms of the opposite sex, suggesting they were doing so to protect Odessans and their own families.

Residents pleaded with the council, arguing that such proposals were divisive, stoked fear among the community, and would further stretch city services.

“It is not only unnecessary but also a complete waste of the city's time, money and resources,” Alexander Ermels, president of PFLAG’s Midland and Odessa chapter and a transgender man, said during public testimony. PFLAG is one of the oldest LGBTQ+ advocacy organizations in the U.S.

“It's not addressing any real problem in our community,” Ermels said. “Instead, it's creating one, making people worried about something that just is not an issue.”
Yup, that what Republicans are good at doing… creating a boogeyman! Creating fear! Fear of those that are different. Fear of the Mexican. Fear of the Blank man. Fear of the trans person.
It is also the latest action by a conservative mayor and his allies on the council to push this West Texas town even further to the right. The council has previously approved an anti-abortion ordinance that largely mirrored state law. Mayor Javier Joven, who is up for reelection in November, has said his mission has been to help the city “repent.”
Hold it a minute! Repent from what? To me that sound like you are ramming your religion down everybody’s throat.
Council member Chris Hanie insisted he introduced the ordinance to protect the safety of his daughters and grandchildren.

“There's never been fear. I don't care who you are, and what you do in the privacy of your home is your business, but I don't need to see it in public,” Hanie said.

Jonathan Saenz, the president of Texas Values, a conservative and religious think tank who attended the meeting and spoke at length on behalf of the ordinance, reassured local officials that the ordinance would hold up to legal scrutiny.
The Republicans are far along their path to a Christian Nation. So you say you don't think that is true? Well get a load of this is from the website "Texas Values"...

October 22, 2024: Odessa City Council met tonight to discuss enacting a new city ordinance to protect the safety and privacy in restroom facilities for women and girls, and passed the new ordinance by a vote of 5-2.. The proposed city ordinance defines sex by biology based on a person’s birth certificate as entered “at or near the time of birth”, similar to language in Texas state law on the Save Women’s Sports issue.

Jonathan Saenz, President & Attorney for Texas Values released the following statement:

“Girls and women are safer in Odessa now because the courageous Odessa City Council updated their local laws with common sense and timely specific guidance. We hope more cities in Texas will follow Odessa’s lead and pass a similar ordinance.” 

The proposed ordinance will offer valuable protections to ensure that restroom facilities (also including locker rooms, showers and changing rooms) in public buildings are separated by “biological sex” and that males cannot enter into female restrooms and vice versa. The new law also allows private citizens to enforce the new rules as well. 
Of course the fact that this has never happened is beside the point. Just like Anita Bryant's "Save Our Children" was never about the children but rather disguised hemophobia, the ordinance is really about transphobia since there has never, let me repeat that, there has never been a case in the US where a trans person molested a person in a restroom.

Some of you have already voted but if you haven’t vote Harris/Walz and the party line! Vote “Yes” on ballot question in Connecticut don’t believe the Republican “Big Lie” of voter fraud!


Hey! you want me to stop posting politics? Here is how you do it... Vote Blue! Because is the old guy (Who is only 2 or 3 years older than me.) wins it will be four more years of political blog posts! So vote Blue and shut me up! 

1 comment:

  1. Richard Nelson10/27/24, 8:51 PM

    HA! HA! HA! I hope you never shut up. Not that I am hoping that the fascist wins but there will always be something to talk and think about beyond the fluff and glitter that stuffs some folks head. So happy you are one of the few folks in the LGBT community that is talking. When a people's very breathing becomes a political action well then somebody had better speak up beyond their wig.
