Monday, February 12, 2024

Warning! Another Epidemic Heading Our Way!

This is going to be happening more and more often, but this you will not need to wear a mask, just DEET…
Brazil Has a Dengue Emergency, Portending a Health Crisis for the Americas
Record numbers of cases of the mosquito-borne virus have been reported in the Southern Hemisphere summer, and the surge is likely to move north.
The New York Times
By Stephanie Nolen
February 10, 2024

Brazil is experiencing an enormous outbreak of dengue fever, the sometimes fatal mosquito-borne disease, and public health experts say it is a harbinger of a coming surge in cases in the Americas, including Puerto Rico.

Brazil’s Health Ministry warns that it expects more than 4.2 million cases this year, outstripping the 4.1 million cases the Pan-American Health Organization recorded for all 42 countries in the region last year.

Brazil was due for a bad dengue year — numbers of cases of the virus typically rise and fall on a roughly four-year cycle — but experts say a number of factors, including El Niño and climate change, have significantly amplified the problem this year.

“The record heat in the country and the above-average rainfall since last year, even before the summer, have increased the number of mosquito breeding sites in Brazil, even in regions that had few cases of the disease,” Brazil’s health minister, Nísia Trindade, said.

Dengue case numbers have already soared in Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay in the last few months, during the Southern Hemisphere summer, and the virus will move up through the continents with the seasons.


The World Health Organization has warned that dengue is rapidly becoming an urgent global health problem, with a record number of cases last year and outbreaks in places, such as France, that have historically never reported the disease.
It is only a matter of time before it gets here, some people who just came back from South America got bitten by mosquitoes that were carrying Dengue and brings it here. As the population density increases and global travel increases diseases are going to spread faster.

You all know that I love sifi, well there is a series of books about diseases being spread through transporters from one world to another. One of the books is the "Hyperion Cantos" series by Dan Simmons.

Do you know how wine and liquor are? Yeast is added mash, the little happy yeast multiple in all that lovey sugars until they pollute their environment with their own piss it kills them. We love their piss because it is alcohol. As our population increase we see an every increasing risk to civilization, whether it is because global warming, polluted oceans, wars, or diseases we will our bubble burst and a new dark ages will ensue.

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