Friday, February 16, 2024

It Is That Time Of Year Again!

The states new legislative session has begun and all anti trans bills are crawling out of the woodwork.

As I have written many times, the Republicans don’t care about the law or science, it is full speed ahead and damn the trans people.
Two Virginia public school students in complaints filed Thursday allege the state’s model policies for transgender students violate local and federal law, and they accused officials of ignoring evidence-based best practices and discrimination.

The Virginia Department of Education’s model transgender policies, which were introduced in September 2022 and finalized in July, allow teachers and students at Virginia K-12 schools to misgender transgender students by using the name and pronouns associated with their sex assigned at birth, rather than their gender identity.

They also prohibit teachers from referring to a student using a different name or pronoun without written permission from the student’s parent and prevent transgender students from competing on school sports teams that match their gender identity. Parents must also be notified if a transgender student at their child’s school is permitted to use a restroom or locker room that differs from their sex assigned at birth.
First off, “...prohibit teachers from referring to a student using a different name or pronoun without written permission from the student’s parent…” does that mean that Richard cannot not be called “Dick” without a note from the parents or that Christine as Chris or does the law discriminate against us?

The Richmond Times Dispatch writes,
The most recent model policies from the Virginia Department of Education under Gov. Glenn Youngkin reversed guidance from the administration of his predecessor, Gov. Ralph Northam, on name and pronoun use, bathroom access and participation in sex-segregated activities like sports.


Youngkin has said the current policies reaffirmed his administration’s “commitment to ensure that every parent is involved in conversations regarding their child’s education, upbringing and care.”
The governor ignored the Supreme Court ruling that involved a Virginia trans student in the case of Grimm v. Gloucester County School Board. The case ruled against the school board and it said that the schools had to use the true gender of the student. On the ACLU website they write,
Represented by the ACLU and ACLU of Virginia, Gavin sued his school board for discriminating against him in violation of the Equal Protection Clause and Title IX of the U.S. Education Amendments of 1972, a federal law prohibiting sex discrimination by schools. After four years of litigation—including a trip to the Supreme Court and back– the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia ruled in favor of Gavin on all his claims. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit affirmed the ruling in favor of Gavin on August 26, 2020.
But the governor and the Republican party didn’t like the courts ruling so they ignored them! It didn’t allow the Republicans persecution of us so they keep passing these laws that will be thrown out of court because the Republicans can blame the Democrats for allowing these “evil sick” children to be coddled.

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