Tuesday, February 06, 2024


Down in Florida the Republicans once again tightened the screws on us again. You probably have already heard that the Republicans down in Florida we can’t change our gender on driver licenses. But what are the ramifications from the law.

CBS News wrote,
Amid what one critic called "an ongoing campaign to make Florida uninhabitable and unsafe for transgender individuals," Gov. Ron DeSantis' administration quietly reversed a policy that allowed Floridians to obtain driver's licenses that reflected their gender identity.


In addition, a driver's license "is an identification document and, as such, serves a critical role in assisting public and private entities in correctly establishing the identity of a person presenting the license," Kynoch wrote.

"Permitting an individual to alter his or her license to reflect an internal sense of gender role or identity, which is neither immutable nor objectively verifiable, undermines the purpose of an identification record and can frustrate the state's ability to enforce its laws," he added.
Now 49 states allow you to change your gender on your driver’s license, some states make you jump though hoops and require surgery.

First question that pops in to my mind. What about those who have already changed their drover license?
Simone Chriss, an attorney with Southern Legal Counsel who helped craft the 2018 policy, told The News Service of Florida that the changes adopted by the DeSantis administration don't appear to affect trans people whose licenses already have been altered.

"This letter was just issued, and there's a lot of ambiguity and a lot of questions that we will need answers on but, based on the statutes they've cited and the authority they've provided, there's no reason for individuals who currently have a driver's license or identification card that reflects their gender identity to be concerned about driving, going to appointments, using their ID in the traditional manner they do every day, because there's no mechanism by which the DHSMV (Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles) or the police have any authority to suspend or revoke their license," she said.
Now for questions with no answer.

What about drivers who were born in another state that allows birth certificates to be changed? For example a Florida teenager who is getting their driver license but was born say in Connecticut, can they get a driver license with their true gender?
Article IV, Section 1: Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each State to the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State. And the Congress may by general Laws prescribe the Manner in which such Acts, Records and Proceedings shall be proved, and the Effect thereof.
Wouldn’t that mean that Florida has issue the driver's license in their true gender?

Next question: will they test the DNA of everyone or just those who don’t look their gender? If they don’t wouldn’t that be in violation of the Fourteenth Amendment?
“nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”
This is going to end up in the Supreme Court and in the meantime it will be a nightmare for the trans people in Florida.

1 comment:

  1. If one can pull it off, so much the better and good for them. I don't care what any state (or anyone) thinks of me when I choose to pretend I'm something other than who I really am, and I don't want them checking under my hood. But there are enough fools and ineligibles at the DMV so that's it's game-on, identity-wise. Let's just go with having some fun. Dr. Menninger famously said, "Mental health problems do not affect three or four out of every five persons, but one out of one." Equality reigns. And life is so much better when one faces reality head on and stops being concerned with what other people think (because they likely aren't).
