Saturday, February 03, 2024

Here Comes The Sun!

What difference the sun makes! Here in New England we just had a spell of cloudy weather, it was something like 11 days without the sun shining… depressing! Well the sun is out today!!!!!

My atrium with no sun only gets up to the fifties when it is in the 30s out and the furnace cycles on and off all day. Today the furnace hasn’t gone on while the sun is shining, and the atrium is in the eighties. I have the doors from the atrium to the living room and the bedroom open and it is keeping the house in the low seventies and outside it is 39.

I’m in the atrium listening to an audio book on a patio chaise lounge, munching on cheese and crackers drinking tea.

Way back in the eighties I went to an architect to design a passive solar house. It was built with 2x6 construction back before it was code. Most of the windows are on the south side with little windows on the north side also the house doesn’t sit parallel to the road, it sits at an angle to face south. The windows on the south side have overhangs so the sun doesn’t shine in during the summer.

So when you hear bemoaning the sun not being out it is also costing me $$$$.

Taken today.

From Feb. 2011
You can see how the house sits at an angle


  1. Love your house! I like the windows. Our last house had a lot of window and I loved it. This house does not. I live in So CA and we get some very hot days. I don't like to run the heat much because it messes with my sinuses. Enjoy your sunroom!

  2. I like the way your house sits at an angle to pick up the sun, I designed our house in 1985. The back faces 3 degrees west of due south. We picked the property to get that orientation parallel to the street. The yard slopes down in the back so the front is one story with minimal windows and the back is two stories with lots of glazing. I also used 2x6 framing with foam board on the outside wrapped with Tyvek (new product at the time). On a sunny winter day, the furnace doesn't run and the house temperature increases. Even down to 0 degrees F. I also have 2 foot overhangs on the south side (above both levels) so the windows are shaded in the summer.
