Tuesday, August 01, 2023

Snowflake, Snowflake, Watch Him Melt

They talk about us being a bunch of snowflakes, but…
His poor dog appeared confused and scared as the man ranted.
The Advocate
By Christopher Wiggns
July 28, 2023

A man visiting a Petco in Ohio with his dog gave an incredible rant when he discovered that the store offered a gender-neutral restroom. He shouted at the employees before leaving the store in a rage.

The Cleveland-area man’s episode was captured on video and posted to TikTok and has quickly gone viral.

“This is stupid,” he shouted, gesturing toward the restroom. People “have had enough with that crap!” he complained. “I don’t care what your policy is!”

The agitated man’s small dog appeared distressed by the situation as it pulled in the opposite direction, unclear about what was happening.

The man turned toward the exit, apparently having been asked to leave, then stopped and spun around.

“Stop with the gender-neutral sh*t!" he barked. “Men and women are different!”


As the man’s back was visible, one could read that his shirt had written on it, “We the people are pissed off,” beneath a U.S. flag. He then left the store without further incident, leaving people looking shocked and confused.
TV station WTRF channel 7 said,
“We were just shopping in Petco and all of a sudden someone started screaming. After a minute, I walked to the front of the store and that’s when he began yelling about the single use restrooms being labeled gender neutral,” Arianna told Storyful.
It really doesn’t take much to set them off. 


  1. wonder what sign he has on the bathroom in his house?

    1. Awesome! He probably has an outhouse though.....

  2. He just went in to create a scene

  3. Did the article indicate if he was shopping at Petco for his food. He is definitely an animal. In my small city the law requires all single occupancy restrooms be identified as gender neutral with the appropriate signage. Perhaps he was upset because a woman may see a urinal in the restroom along with a toilet bowl.
