Saturday, August 19, 2023

Saturday 9: Michelle

On Saturdays I take a break from the heavy stuff and have some fun…

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
1) In this song, Paul McCartney sings to Michelle in French, "Sont des mots qui vont très bien ensemble." Can you say anything else in French?
I took French for two weeks and dropped out. First, I could never figure out the homework assignment because it was all in French… Duh, we were in the first week of class how were we supposed to understand. Second, my brother had her for Latin and it was always, “Your brother did this…” “Your brother did that…” So I dropped out of class and took another class.

2) Paul admits he that, as a teenager, he'd perform the first few bars at parties to impress girls. It was John Lennon who encouraged him to "turn it into a proper song." Tell us about a time you were glad you took advice from a friend or coworker.
When a friend told me that the head of the testing department was leaving and I should apply for the job… 28 years later I retired from it.

3) A big Elvis fan, Paul is proud to own the bass that was played on the 1954 recording of "That's Alright, Mama." Tell us about one of your prized possessions.
Um… I don’t have a prize possession. Maybe my camera a Nikon D5300.

4) John was also an Elvis fan and honored The King by naming one of his cats Elvis. Do you share your home with any pets? If so, let us know their names.
Nope. No pets

5) John was a heavy smoker who often attempted to quit. He tried hypnosis but that didn't work. Have you ever been hypnotized?
I am afraid to admit it, but yes. it was to lose weight and all I got out of it was a good sleep. She records it and gives the customer a copy. in the background you can hear me cutting some ZZZs.

6) George Harrison fell in love with Hawaii and bought a 63-acre estate. If you could take off tomorrow for a vacation to any of our 50 states, which one would you choose?
Definitely not Florida. It would be northern state with a lot of lakes and woods like New Hampshire.

6) While Ringo Starr quit signing autographs for fans in 2008, he will donate autographed memorabilia to charity for auction. Have you ever bid on an item at auction? Did you win?
Nope. But I have donated photos for a silent auction and two went for $175! But the live auction I just able sat on my hands because the amounts that they were bidding was crazy! If you blinked you just got a $10,000 cruise that was worth $4000. Do I hear $9,500? … Do I hear $9,000”

7) As a young boy, Ringo had a severe case of appendicitis and his appendix was removed. Do you still have your appendix?

8) In 1965 -- before Advil and Tylenol and Aleve -- Americans took aspirin to relieve pain. If we peered into your medicine chest, would we find aspirin?
Yes, baby Aspirin.

9) Random question: You're at dinner with a married couple who begins to argue. Would you intercede and try to make peace? Or would you just sit back and mind your own business?
Sit back and mind your own business. Now a days it is crazy to butt into an argument, they might be armed.

The continuing saga of the washing machine.

You remember last weeks exciting adventures we left off with the repair man coming to fix the day old washer that was leaking live a sieve. He arrived bright-eyed and bushy-tailed at 8:00 AM and I showed him the washer. He did his magic on it and left after a half hour later pronouncing… “Yup it is leaking [Well duh, I can see the stream of water coming from underneath it], I’ll order the new part. See you in two weeks!”

So it has been over a month without a washer and the wash is piling up. So I did little loads because only a little water was coming out and I could keep up to it by mopping it up.

Yesterday at the Governor’s Connecticut Hate Crimes Advisory Council meeting we had a guest speaker. A Rabbi who is a Holocaust survivor, he was ten at the time when the Nazis came to Russian Poland. The horrors he saw! His older brother shot in the head right in front him. A mother with a baby to her breast feeding bayoneted right through the baby and her. He begged mothers to tell the Nazis that he was her child because they were killing all the children without parents. One mother did. He lived with them in a ghetto for a while until they were taken to a labor camp and he worked to fill in bomb damage at a German airfield.

After the war he did what his mother’s last wish to him to do which was become a Rabbi. Over the years, he found some surviving members of his family and he even found the woman who took him in and her son.

But that isn’t what stuck with me from his talk. It was…

When the Nazis came to his village they rounded up everyone and divided them up… those with a collage education over there. Then they machine gunned them down and threw them in ditch. Educated people can think.

And as he was saying that my mind wandered. The conservatives are banning books… we don’t want the kids learning about that. They are banning what the teachers can say in class… it might give them ideas.


  1. So many of my loved ones live in Florida and most of them are unhappy with the state government. I hope they understand that I'd rather spend my vacation dollars elsewhere now.

  2. I am very conscientious about not comparing sibling students. I hated when teachers did that with me about my sisters.

  3. We need to turn that state blue …

  4. Boy, your last sentence is terrifying. We've been fighting the book banners here all year. They are quite determined. I guess I'd be among the first to go.

  5. Your answer to #9 was very scary....mostly because it's true.

  6. Richard Nelson8/19/23, 10:42 PM

    Did the rabbi speak to what is happening in the U.S today? We all know the horrors that the world did undergo during WW 2 hopefully but to learn to spot how today can and just maybe is similar is what we need to educate people about. Many educated people can fall for the lies of fascism just as much as the uneducated. We see that fact before our faces every day. A college degree does not mean a person is smart. Maybe a parrot, a bookworm, one who is educated to monkey what is expected. I have found many people who do not have a college degree to be very smart and to be far more dangerous to the fascists. Those with nothing to lose generally end up leading the revolts. I have no college degree but as a Queer and a Marxist I am sure that I would be one of the first to be delt with.
    I think too of the type of cultural system we live under. If a person wants one of the "good" jobs, they are expected to have a degree. They are expected to fall for the American dreamscape of "Little Boxes, little boxes, little boxes all the same." No matter what that degree is in, the door flies open. Some of the most boring people I have ever met all had degrees. I tried to escape their lack of knowledge as quick as I could.
    I do hope the rabbi didn't do a disservice to all of the folks listening to him but instead rang the bell of warning.

  7. How horrid to see what the Nazi's did. It makes me sick to think there are people here, right now, who deny it happened or that there is cause for this to be done again if they get the power. Maniacs!
    French teachers are all different but mine was a real snooty brute. Because he thought I should read at 9th grade level and know all the grammar, since I still spoke it with a perfect accent as well. I was, like many, basically illiterate in French.. My parents ripped me out of his class and I took three years of Honors Spanish.
