Monday, August 05, 2019

It Goes Deeper

It goes deeper than Trump.
It goes deeper than Republicans in Congress.
It goes deeper than the RNC.
It goes deeper than the voters that voted for Trump.
It goes to economic inequities.
It goes to where people have to fight over the crumbs that the mega rich sweeps on the floor.

We saw it in the 1880s and 1890s social unrest when the Robber Barons amassed most of the wealth

We saw it in the 1930s when the Roaring Twenties created economic inequities.

When the people fight over the limited resources they blame the “others” for their woes and not the real  cause the amassing of wealth at the top.

In the 1880s it was the Asian that were blamed and laws were passed limiting Asian immigration.

In the 1930s it was the Jews.

In the 2010s it is the South Americans and us, the LGBT+ people.

You want to end the social unrest? Tax the mega rich. In the 1960s the upper tax bracket was 90% and we need to start taxing them again… there is no such thing as “trickled down economy.” The mega rich hoard their money, raises for the middle and lower classes are nonexistent and as the lower and middle classes get squeezed they start looking for scapegoats for their troubles. And we are the targets of their hate.

The Republicans use that unrest to divide and conquer and keep the power elite in control. They do it by…
They are coming to take away your jobs!
They are coming to take away your religion!
They are coming to take away your marriage!
They are coming to take away your guns!

They are the “others,” those who look different from “us.”
They are the “others,” those who speak different from “us.”
They are the “others,” those whose gender identity and sexual orientation are different from “us.”

Tax the mega rich!*

Use the taxes for fix the roads and bridges, use the taxes to fix the crumbling infrastructures like water supply and the electric grid. Use the taxes to put people to work. Use the taxes to rebuild the safety net.

Use the taxes to create jobs and use jobs to end the economic inequities.

A living wage. Healthcare for all. A strong safety net for retirees and those who are unable to make ends meet.

*Taxes are just a start, we need election reform…
It is time to do away with the Electoral College and have direct elections.
It is time to limit campaign donations and do away with PACs.
It is time to do away with company interfering in elections, elections are for humans not companies.
It is time to do away with gerrymandering.
It is time to come up with a system for multiply party elections such as a runoff election between the two top vote getters.

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