Thursday, December 06, 2018

They Lied… Surprise!

We all know that they lied, the data shows that it wasn’t true, but fear goes a long ways to create hate against us even if it isn’t true.

I am not a religious person but I remember my Sunday school teachings about the Ten Commandments, the Eighth Commandment is… “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.” But the Evangelical Christians have added a footnote; unless it is against trans people then it is okay to lie, cheat, and create hate.

The “families” liars came out in force in Massachusetts to repeal our rights but they were rebuffed by the voters.
Anti-LGBTQ Activist Admits Bathroom Predator Myth Was 'Concocted' As Cover for Transphobic Hate
By:  Dawn Ennis
05 DEC 2018

A controversial TV commercial this fall featured a teenage girl, undressing in a ladies locker room, while a hooded cisgender man leers at her from within a stall. As she unbuttons her top, the creepy guy reveals himself, and the message of this horrifying ad becomes clear: allowing trans people to use bathrooms matching their gender identity gives male sexual predators permission to prey upon women and children.
“Our side concocted the ‘bathroom safety’ male predator argument as a way to avoid an uncomfortable battle over LGBT ideology, and still fire up people’s emotions. It worked in Houston a few years ago,” reads the post.

“But the LGBT lobby has now figured out how to beat it,” the Mass Resistance post continues. “Their lopsided victory in Massachusetts will likely be repeated everywhere else unless the establishment pro-family groups (and their wealthy donors) are willing to change their tactics.”
Yeah with the truth. The voters saw the lies for what they were.

This is what the so called “family” organization had to say.
Massachusetts voters overwhelmingly say “yes” to transgender “bathroom” law. What happened?
Question 3 passes by lopsided 68-32 margin, keeping horrible law in place.
Big changes needed – or this will keep happening
November 9, 2018

On November 6, a nightmare happened in Massachusetts. There’s no way to whitewash this. Two-thirds of Massachusetts voters voted to keep a lunatic “transgender anti-discrimination” law in place. It’s a law that punishes people with fines and even jail time if they refuse to treat mentally dysfunctional men wearing dresses as if they were actual women.

How did this happen? It’s the old story of conservative groups trying to use a clever side argument to avoid getting into the real fight. It works for a while, but eventually the Left figures it out – which is what happened here.
The LGBT lobby
The rallying cry of the LGBT lobby trying to keep the law in place was that this is about “civil rights.” (And they portrayed their opponents as being “against civil rights.”) Using that mantra, they gathered an unbelievably huge list of endorsements from corporations, small businesses, politicians, and other entities. Then they raised an enormous amount of money, nearly $5.7 million, which was about 20 times what the pro-family side raised.
The Massachusetts pro-family groups
The rallying cry of the pro-family groups trying to repeal the law was the well-known “bathroom safety” argument – that in addition to transgenders, this law allows male sexual predators to lurk in women’s restrooms to prey on girls and women. This was technically true, but was largely contrived. They also talked about privacy in restrooms and locker rooms. They did NOT address the “civil rights” claim – which gave the LGBT lobby a complete free pass to use it without pushback. Nor did they address the bizarre and delusional nature of transgenderism itself in their arguments, except to say that transgenders “already have good legal protections” and didn’t need more. [My emphasis]
Maybe the voters saw through you deceit, maybe the voters saw that in the two years the law was in effect none of the direr consequences you predicted happened.

Maybe the voters saw though your hateful rhetoric.

Next they blamed it on their supporter being out matched in fundraising. Their cries to their supporters that they didn’t donate so we lost!
Now with the “transgender anti-discrimination” bills the same thing is happening. Our side concocted the “bathroom safety” male predator argument as a way to avoid an uncomfortable battle over LGBT ideology, and still fire up people’s emotions. It worked in Houston a few years ago.
Maybe it says something about the quality of the voters in Massachusetts.
But the LGBT lobby has now figured out how to beat it. Their lopsided victory in Massachusetts will likely be repeated everywhere else unless the establishment pro-family groups (and their wealthy donors) are willing to change their tactics.
Hate is their only tactic and maybe the voters realized that they are cloaking their hate in religion.

This isn’t the first time in Maryland in 2008 Theresa Rickman of the Citizens For A Responsible Government staged an event at a gym, she said on the radio that…
THERESA RICKMAN: Yes, at Rio Sport and Health up in Germantown. A guy  dressed as a girl went into the ladies bathroom. And, ah you know,  essentially what uh, that was meant to get some media attention,  you know, and the guy left immediately apparently, I mean but there was,  this is the Rio Sport and Health Club,  you know and Sport and Health  has steam rooms, and there are ladies changing in those locker rooms,  people in various stages of undress [laughing] all the time, so there's  lots a guy can see.
And then there were these that I wrote about here.

For these so called Christians the end justifies the means.

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