Friday, September 28, 2018

You Don’t Stop Being LGBTQ

As you get older or you are disabled you don’t stop being LGBTQ, if you are in a long turn care situation you should not have to hide your sexual orientation or gender identity.
LGBTQ+ Adults with Intellectual Disabilities Need Supportive Caregivers
May Institute
By Margaret Walsh, M.A., BCBA

Adults with intellectual disabilities (ID) are often victims of discrimination simply because they have a disability. People with ID who identify as LGBTQ+ face further bullying and harassment simply because of whom they choose to love or how they express their identity.

(Our use of LGBTQ+ is meant to be inclusive of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender persons, as well as those who identify as queer, questioning, intersex, asexual, etc.)

These individuals need support from their caregivers to ensure that they are able to meaningfully access the LGBTQ+ community and develop positive sexual identities. Without encouragement and support from family members, friends, and professionals who care for and about them, their ability to fully express their sexuality will be inhibited.

People with ID who identify as LGBTQ+ have the same right to express their sexuality as any other person. This fundamental right can be undermined when caregivers are unsure of how to discuss sexuality with the adult with ID. Creating environments where LGBTQ+ adults with ID feel safe to openly discuss their sexuality is challenging for most care providers. Talking about issues that are central to those in the LGBTQ+ community may make caregivers and family members feel uncomfortable because they do not have the knowledge to discuss these issues in an informed and empathetic manner.
Okay two things at this point… 1. If you are discussing LGBTQ+ stop saying “sexuality” if you must say it then say “sexuality and gender identity” 2. “People with ID who identify as LGBTQ+ have the same right to express their sexuality as any other person.” most definitely! I read of many cases where a doctor or therapist would not let an ID trans person to transition, this is wrong!

Just because a trans person is ID shouldn’t automatically exempt them from transitioning or just because a person is ID should not kept them from having a lover.
Inclusive sexuality training for adults with ID and their care providers would be a step in the right direction. This training could address issues that all LGBTQ+ individuals face, such as:
  • understanding what it means to be LGBTQ+;
  • obtaining information on how to come out to family and friends;
  • learning about and observing safe sex practices; and
  • identifying appropriate community resources (i.e. therapists and support groups).
  • It is incumbent upon service providers and other caregivers to help LGBTQ+ adults with ID understand their rights as they attempt to build meaningful lives in a society that often seems homophobic and transphobic.
Here in Connecticut there is a non-profit agency (you can read their guidebook here) that is training social service agencies staff, homecare providers, nursing homes staff, and long term care providers and upon complication of the training they get a certificate.

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