When we were trying to pass the gender inclusive non-discrimination here in Connecticut one legislator introduced a Senate amendment to require all trans people to register with the Department of Motor Vehicles, his justification was if we were stopped and questioned by police for being in the women’s bathroom the officer could check the DMV database to see if it was okay for us to be in there. I called the amendment “The Scarlet Letter.”
The earlier this year North Carolina wanted to create a new government document that identified us as trans so that we could use the bathroom of our true gender.
This idea of creating a special identification for us just doesn’t want to go away…
I don’t think that the people who came up with these ideas knew the history of making us register or wear special IDs. I would like to think that they don’t because if they did that would make it so much worst.
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
The Inquisitr News reports that,
So this will be an interesting case to follow.
The earlier this year North Carolina wanted to create a new government document that identified us as trans so that we could use the bathroom of our true gender.
This idea of creating a special identification for us just doesn’t want to go away…
Lawsuit: Trans Students Made To Wear Green Bracelets To ID ThemselvesDo you know why the color Pink because the LGBT color? According to ALGBTICAL (Association for Lesbian Gay Bisexual & Transgender Issues in Counseling of Alabama) it is because,
Think Progress
By Casey Quinlan
July 20, 2016
The Wisconsin lawsuit notes other problems with how the school treated Whitaker. He was repeatedly called by his birth name and referred to with female pronouns by school staff, wasn’t allowed to run for prom king (until the school received a petition and media scrutiny), and wasn’t allowed to lodge with boys during school trips. The district also requires staff to make Whitaker and other transgender students wear green bracelets identifying them as transgender to staff — which caused Whitaker to worry about stigmatization and harassment, according to his lawyers. The school eventually instructed security guards to ensure Whitaker didn’t use the boys restroom.
Inverted TrianglesAnd back in those days the Nazi didn’t make any distinction between gays and trans people.
The pink triangle is easily one of the more popular and widely-recognized symbols for the gay community. The pink triangle is rooted in World War II times, and reminds us of the tragedies of that era. Although homosexuals were only one of the many groups targeted for extermination by the Nazi regime, it is unfortunately the group that history often excludes. Each prisoner in the concentration camps wore a colored inverted triangle to designate their reason for incarceration, and hence the designation also served to form a sort of social hierarchy among the prisoners. A green triangle marked its wearer as a regular criminal; a red triangle denoted a political prisoner. Two yellow triangles overlapping to form a Star of David designated a Jewish prisoner. The pink triangle was for homosexuals.
I don’t think that the people who came up with these ideas knew the history of making us register or wear special IDs. I would like to think that they don’t because if they did that would make it so much worst.
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
The Inquisitr News reports that,
In a statement sent to Mashable, the Kenosha Unified School District denied having a “practice or policy requiring any student to wear a wristband for monitoring any purpose or for any reason whatsoever.” The district added it is reviewing the complaint.According to CNN the green wrists bands...
Then, in May, his guidance counselor showed Ash's mother a bright green wristband that the school intended to use to mark students who are transgender, the lawsuit says.Somehow I find it a little bit hard to believe the school, I think the wrist band is something that would be hard to make up by the parents.
He was never asked to wear it, he said, but he believes he will have to wear it when he returns for senior year.
The district called the allegation "patently false."
"The district does not have a practice or policy requiring any student to wear a wristband for monitoring any purpose or for any reason whatsoever," Ruder said.
So this will be an interesting case to follow.
I am considering dusting off my pink triangle button and to wear it this election season. If only as a reminder to myself and to others of that dreadful period in ourstories and as a warning of just what may be coming down the road. And as we remember ourstories let us also remember the words that began "First they came for the communists and I said nothing--- from the famous statement and poem by Pastor Martin Niemoiler who by the way did not mention our people at all. Let us never forget the "Hay" we made while the sun shone bright during the days of the Wiemar Republic and then BAM! the shit hit the fan and we were wearing the pink triangle and in concentration camps. Yeah it can't happen here, think again it is.