Friday, July 29, 2016

I Was In Jail Yesterday

Yesterday I was invited to do some training at a correctional institute which was a new experience for me.

I was running late as usual and I rushed, my pocketbook and the computer cables but I forgot my laptop which I didn’t realize until I got to the prison and I was collecting my stuff to go inside… SHIT! My PowerPoint was on it! Lucky I emailed her the presentation and I could use her copy without the embedded video.

I’ll tell you it is a little scary to hear the bars close behind you with a loud metal clank; you realize fast that this is the real McCoy.

Though a number of locked doors I was escorted to her office and then to the chapel where I was going to give my presentation. While we were walking down the chapel we walked by a number of cells, I didn’t want to look inside them but curiosity got the better of me and I peeked inside a few. They were all empty but they all had a bed, toilet, and a chair. The toilet was in plain sight of the hallway. Meanwhile prisoners were walking by us just like in any other office building except the all had brown coveralls on my escort explained that they were on their way to the cafeteria for lunch.

As we round one corner the guards stopped us and said to my escort, they are transporting a prisoner. So we ducked into an office. Four guards with a prisoner in the middle walked down the hallway, the prisoner hands and feet were shackled to waist… we were not in Kansas anymore.

When we got to chapel there was an inmate trusty setting up the TV and computer. Then the staff started to drift in, my escort said that they were waiting for the other wardens and the Correction’s Commissioner. It turned out this wasn't just for the staff of the institute but for a number of other facilities from around the state. Afterward I got to talk to the commissioner and he is interested in getting together to talk about writing a policy.

Then they escorted me out and boy did the gate sound a lot different when you are walking out.

Too bad it wasn't a "Get Out of Jail Free" card.

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