Tuesday, September 15, 2015

I Don’t Need A Study

I could have told you why trans people join the military without having a study.
Why do transgender people join the military in such high numbers?
LA Times
By Alan Zarembo
September 4, 2015

Estimates at the time were that for every 100,000 biological males in the general population, no more than three were transgender.

Brown figured the rate had to be even lower in the all-volunteer military. It made little sense to him that a transgender person would choose to join an institution that by its nature had no tolerance for deviance.

Yet over the next three years, Brown saw 10 more transgender patients — all of them seeking hormone therapy and male-to-female gender reassignment surgery. He began to suspect that the military, despite its ban on allowing transgender people to serve, was somehow attracting them at a disproportionately high rate.
The findings have pumped new life into a theory that Brown developed to explain what he had witnessed. In a 1988 paper, he coined it "flight into hypermasculinity."

His transgender patients told him that they had signed up for service when they were still in denial about their true selves and were trying to prove they were "real men."
Yup. We do not need a study to tell you that, we are also truck drivers, motorcyclists, or engineers, or any other hypermasculinity job.

When we had lunch with Kristin Beck she said that she didn’t care if she lived or died she just ran into a building filled Taliban with guns a blazing, and she received a Silver Star for valor.

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