Wednesday, May 13, 2015

It Is Nice To See Others Stand Up With Us

There was an article in the Washington Post the other day criticizing parents who oppose school integration for trans students.
Shame on parents fighting against transgender kids in school bathrooms
By Petula Dvorak Columnist
May 11, 2015

Using the bathroom? Really? That’s what this is going to come down to?

Because that’s the obsession of just about anyone who is still vexed by the idea that transgender Americans should be protected from discrimination: the restroom thing.
Using the bathroom? Really? That’s what this is going to come down to?

Because that’s the obsession of just about anyone who is still vexed by the idea that transgender Americans should be protected from discrimination: the restroom thing.
America is watching a painful and public transition as Olympian Bruce Jenner rebirths as the person who’s been struggling for decades to emerge. Imagine the pain a child with the same condition is in and how parents could help ease it.
She ends the article with…
Give your kids a little more credit, Fairfax parents. They are more tolerant, more understanding, more accepting and far more worldly than we were growing up.

And for that, y’all should be proud.
And she is so right, it is not the kids who have the problem, but the parents. How many times do we see the kids getting along okay until a parent butts in and starts to complain and then the kids follow along with their parents.

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