Monday, May 04, 2015

And He Says He Wants To Be President

Way, way out on right field the paranoids believe in the theory that the military is holding maneuvers to take over the government or something.
Ted Cruz ‘reached out to the Pentagon’ about martial law conspiracy theory
By Emma Margolin
May 2, 2015

Depending on whom you ask, “Jade Helm 15” is either a domestic military training exercise or a covert operation for the federal government to take over the state of Texas – and 2016 presidential candidate Ted Cruz just became the latest Republican to fan the flames of the latter theory.

Speaking at the South Carolina Republican Party’s annual convention Saturday, the Texas senator told Bloomberg’s David Weigel that his office had contacted the Pentagon about the exercise, which officially consists of a series of training drills throughout the Southwest for about 1,200 special operations personnel, including Green Berets and Navy SEALs. Conspiracy theorists operating on the fringes of the conservative blogosphere, however, have other ideas about what the exercise, known as Jade Helm 15, is intended to do – such as implement martial law, seize Americans’ guns, and imprison political dissidents.
Say WHAT? Does he really believe this? And he wants to be president.

And he is not alone…
Cruz isn’t the only presidential hopeful keeping suspicions about Jade Helm 15 alive. Last month, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul – who’s proven to be quite fond of conspiracy theories – didn’t exactly swat down concerns about the exercise, telling Iowa-based radio host Jan Mickelson that he had heard of Jade Helm only in passing and would look into it.
Do they really believe in these conspiracy theories or are they pandering to right wing conspiracy theories for votes. I don’t know which is worse believing this or stirring up conspiracy paranoia for votes.

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