Tuesday, February 03, 2015

What’s Between Your Legs?

When we are born all the doctor does to determine your gender is to hold you up and looks to see what's between your legs. That’s it. Nothing more, just a visual observation, no blood hormones levels testing, no chromosome testing, nothing.

So I always get a kick out of those right wing conservatives who are so black and white… boy/girl that’s it and whatever the doctors see in the first minute of your life should stay with you the rest of your life.
Woman genetically born as a man gives birth to twins
2 Feb 2015

A woman who was born with the genetic make-up of a man has given birth to "miracle' twins after hormone replacement therapy enabled her to grow a womb that was big enough to carry children.
The 28-year-old mother was "devastated" when she was originally told at the age of 19 that she would not be able to have children as she had been born with XY chromosomes and despite growing as a woman her female reproductive organs had not developed.

However, when doctors discovered that she did in fact have a small womb that could potentially grow to a size big enough to carry babies she we delighted.
According to the Daily Mail she has what is called Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS) which is a disorder where the body ignores the androgen or is insensitive to it and as a result of AIS some XY fetus may develops as a girl.

Isn’t nature wonderful! Everyone is so unique, no two of us are the same, our DNA can combine in an infinite array of possibilities. Can you imagine a world where everyone was the same? Like a world of identical twins, what a boring place that would be,

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