Friday, February 13, 2015

Trans Doctors

No I don’t mean doctors who treat trans patients but doctors who are transgender. There is a pediatrician down in Concord North Carolina, who is transitioning,
Patients support Concord doctor's gender transition
By Tony Burbeck,
February 12, 2015

CONCORD, N.C. -- A longtime local pediatrician has announced he is going through gender transition.

Dr. Hal Levin is the medical director at Piedmont Pediatrics in Concord.

In a letter he sent last March, he said he will return to work as a transgender female and go by the name Dr. Laura Levin.

The clinic and Carolinas Healthcare System sent letters to patient families letting them know.
Dr. Levin's touched on that in a personal letter to patient families.

This is part of his statement:
"I want to assure you that the only thing changing about me is my appearance. The excellent care your family has received at Piedmont Pediatrics will not change. When I return to the practice in March, I hope you will see that I am the same person at my core that I have always been - a physician who cares deeply about patients, who provides compassionate, excellent care, and who is committed to patients' well-being and health. Being a woman does not define me. It just happens to be part of who I am that will now be visible to everyone else."
The clinic also sent out a letter where they said that they welcome diversity where it “promotes an environment where difference are valued and integrated into their workforce.”

I know a doctor who transitioned in her practice in the Boston area and she lost a few patients but the majority stayed with her. One of the first blogs that I found on line was that of another doctor, Dr. Becky Allison’s “Becky's Story,” and it was reading her blog that I first realize that my transition was possible.

Healthcare professionals who are trans help the community in many way, and I think the two important ways are that they understand what it is like to transition so they can treat trans patients better than non-transgender doctors and the second way that they help the community is by being visible. As a social worker I think I make a strong impact when I am meeting with other non-transgender professionals.

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