Friday, June 06, 2014

Thou Shall Not Bear False Witness…

Doesn’t the ninth commandment say something about bearing false witness against your neighbor? I don’t remember seeing any asterisks after it that said except against trans-people or that the ends justify the means. Here is a pastor nonetheless who is preaching hate by telling lies.
Pastor who warned of ‘trans predators’ preyed on women
A religious city worker testified against a LGBTI rights ordinance bill that would give trans people the right to choose which bathroom they use
Gay Star News
06 June 2014
By Joe Morgan

A Texas pastor who has warned of ‘trans predators’ has been revealed to have preyed on women.

Pastor Baker testified before [the Houston] City Council during a recent debate over the passed LGBTI non-discrimination bill.

He warned the bill would expose children to transgender predators in public restrooms.
Why do the conservative Christians think that it is okay to lie? Why do they think it is okay to stir up hate? To me that appears to goes against everything that Jesus taught.
Southern Baptists to Ponder Declining Membership, Homosexuality & Transgenderism
By Heather Clark
Christian News Network
June 6, 2014

Southern Baptists will ponder a number of items for discussion at its annual meeting on June 10-11 in Baltimore, including decreasing membership, how to handle congregations that accept homosexuality and the push for transgender accommodation.
Now here is a thought, maybe the decrease in membership might be due to the fact that your parishioners might be tired of hearing you preach fire and damnation against LGBT people. Maybe your membership are starting to see LGBT people as people and not to be despised but instead as people just trying to live their lives.

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