Friday, August 03, 2012

Friday Fill-ns

Janet’s Friday Fill-ns

1. Well, ok, maybe _I’ll have one more piece of cake_.
2. _You buying that car, now_ that's a stretch!
3. When I'm making _plans, I hate any last minute changes_.
4. _Now that I’m eating a proper diet I am_ a bit healthier.
5. And frankly, _I can tell the difference_.
6. _Eating junk foods and not exercising is the_ root of all evil. But _you can change_.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _watching a movie and having some popcorn with some friends up at the cottage_, tomorrow my plans include _floating around in the water doing nothing_ and Sunday, I want to _do the same_!


  1. Ha, I love you answers! Can I have a piece of cake, too? Buying a car in today's economy is a bit of a stretch. Our son needs to get one for college, but until he is able to get a job then we aren't too incline to helping him with this. Jobs are really tight. Oh yeah, junk food and not exercising are two evils! Being near the water right now sounds really, really nice. It's been so hot all summer long. I'm so ready for autumn, aren't you?

    Friday Sillies #37 - Political Parody & Friday Fill-In Fun

  2. Just noticed, you don't have a way for others to follow your blog. You may wish to add these features so others can keep up with you better. =D

    PS: I really like your photos. New England is one of our favorite places to visit.

  3. We are working on eating healthier foods and exercising a bit more around here too. I am so glad that my kids LOVE veggies! Now we just try to eat more of them!!
    You can check out my answers here on my blog.

  4. Sounds like a GREAT weekend! Have fun!

  5. Happy Friday! I love the thought of floating around in the water over the weekend. I might have to visit the beach this weekend.

