From Monday Madness
1. I won't eat past _____ o'clock in the evening.
I eat around the clock. If I wake in the middle of the night and can’t get back to sleep I take an Advil PM along with some food so it won’t irritate my stomach.
2. My favorite subject for photographing is _____.
Just about anything outdoors. I do not like to take portrait or wedding photos
3. I use _____ most often to edit my photographs.
Adobe Photoshop Elements 2.0
4. If I'm having trouble sleeping, I usually _____.
See #1 above
5. When I'm hungry for a snack, I usually eat _____.
Fruit or anything else I find in the refrigerator.
Senior Year of High School Meme.
1. What year was it?
2. What were your three favorite bands?
Grateful Dead, Doors and Pink Floyd
3. What was your favorite outfit?
Jeans with an old army jacket.
4. What was up with your hair?
How did you know that I had started loosing it then? ;-)
5. Who were your best friends?
The same ones that I still see today, we are all just older.
6. What did you do after school?
Science Club, cars and get in to trouble..
7. Did you take the bus?
No. My brother let me drive his 1965 MGB while he was away to college (Big Mistake!).
8. Who did you have a crush on?
9. Did you fight with your parents?
Naw, they always thought I was the good one and it was my brother who always got in to trouble. Little did they know!
10. Who did you have a CELEBRITY crush on?
No one
11. Did you smoke cigarettes?
12. Did you lug all of your books around in your backpack all day because you were too nervous to find your locker?
No, you carried all your books. Boys under their arm and girls across their chest. I always thought it was much more practical to carry them across your chest, it kept them from falling, but you got called sissy if you did.
13. Did you have a 'clique'?
Yeah, but I was always on the fringe of the clique.
14. Did you have "The Max" like Zach, Kelly and Slater?
I have no idea what you are talking about. Are they hair cuts?
15. Admit it, were you popular?
No, see #13
16. Who did you want to be just like?
17. What did you want to be when you grew up?
An engineer.
18. Where did you think you'd be at the age you are now?
A millionaire
I especially like answers #8 and #16.