Wednesday, April 19, 2006


1. Are you the photographer in the family, or is it someone else?
I was always stuck with the chore. I hate taking staged family pictures, candids yes.

2. What kind of camera do you have? Digital or film?
Nikon D70 and process them on Photoshop. In the old days Minolta SRT101 and developed in my darkroom

3. Are you photogenic? Or do you run whenever someone breaks out the camera?
Somewhat, a friend always seems to catch me with a drink in my hand though.

4. If you could take a moment in your life, the best one you've ever had, and photograph it so that you could remember it forever, which moment would it be?
The only thing that stands out is our trip out west driving down Rt 101 and Rt 1 along the Pacific ocean in ‘99. I did a good documenting the trip by combining the stills ( Shot on the ol’ trusty SRT101 ) and the video on to a video CD

1 comment:

  1. yes, all my pics of you have you drinking a cape cod beverage. It's tue!!!!!
