Sunday, April 09, 2006

The Most Subversive

On Peterson Toscano's blog, “Peterson Toscano's A Musing” he wrote, “...I popped into the Victory Christian Bookstore to ask, "What resources do you have for gay Christians?" The woman behind the counter smiled, consulted a co-worker then replied, "Sorry we don't have anything." Okay, so I'm subversive, what's new.”
Sometimes the simple things are the most subversive. Every time I walk down the street, it is a statement; “I am here, I am out and I am proud.” I think every time a Gay couple or a Lesbian couple or a Transperson is out in public it is a little piece of activism.
These simple forms of activism can be hard, sometimes very hard and sometimes deadly for us. Should we hide? Should we say hiding indoors? That is a decision that each of us must make and we cannot judge them for the decision that they make.
I have made my decision, I have hiding in the closet for fifty years and I will not hide any more. It is not easy sometimes you meet a jerk who just has to let his opinion be known. Sometimes it is too easy to fall back on to the “White Male Privilege” and go someplace as Don, like last week when I went walking.
So am I an activist, am I subversive? Some would say so. But I don’t really feel like one, I just want to live my life in peace.

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