Thursday, November 09, 2023

And The House Of Cards…

...Come tumbling down.


Did you ever see a house of cards crash, one card goes first and all the others collapse? Well that is how it is going to happen to Trump.

Here is my prediction, Trump Inc. and the Trump’s will be hit with a big fine, I mean really big like $100,000,000 big! It could very well go up to $250 million and then… and then the banks will jump in to sue for fraud! Then wham! He is sleeping in the back seat of his limo in some Walmart parking lot.

I worry what his loyal followers will do when all this come crashing down.



  1. If Trump became destitute and lived in the street his followers would still support him. This entire fiasco with Trump should show people how a person like Hitler can arise in a democracy; only to destroy the democracy.

  2. Hey, there is an idea Trump could charge his loyal followers for the privilege of letting him sleep in their house. He could give them a dollar plaque to hang up... "Trump Slept Here"
