Friday, February 03, 2023

This Wrong, Terribly Wrong.

Families shouldn't be forced out their homes and move to another state. They shouldn’t have to fear for their safety!

More than half of LGBTQ+ parents in Florida are considering moving out of state
Gov. Ron DeSantis and state Republicans have terrified queer families into leaving.
LGBTQ Nation
By Bil Browning
January 25, 2023

A report shows that more than half of LGBTQ+ parents who live in Florida are considering packing up their families and moving out of the state.

Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) and state legislators have launched an unprecedented and vicious campaign against LGBTQ+ rights and basic accommodations. The state recently passed a law that forbids teachers from mentioning sexual orientation or gender identity in schools. Classroom libraries are being closed until they can be “evaluated” and textbooks are being rewritten to remove queer people.

The Williams Institute, a public policy research institute based at the UCLA of Law, and Clark University in Massachusetts, found that 56 percent of surveyed parents were considering fleeing. Another 17 percent said they have already taken steps to move away.

This is so wrong that it makes me want to cry. Being forced out of their homes because of bigotry. I realize that they have to do it for the safety of their family which makes it even sadder.

“The Don’t Say Gay bill claims to be for parent rights, but my rights have been taken away since its passage,” one respondent said. “My right to send my daughter to school freely, my right to live without fear of who I am, my right to not be discriminated against based on my sexual orientation, and my daughter to not be discriminated against based on her parents’ sexual orientation.”

It is always their rights but not our rights! I have rights also that are being taken away. They are closing drag shows, they are banning our books, they are telling our doctors how to treat us, they are banning who we are!


What we can do?

Vote! Get your family to vote! Get your fellow employees to vote! Get your friends to vote!

The Republicans have gerrymandered voting districts so they have the edge in the districts but the thing is they only have a small edge if we overwhelm in votes we win. Not just here in Connecticut but nation wide.

What do you think they drive a wedge in issues, it is to get their side angry to go out and vote.

In 2006 I worked the phone banks for Lamont, I hated it but I did it because I wanted a trans person visibly helping his campaign. In 2007 I went to New York Power Summit on Grassroots Organizing run by the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force and learned how to organizing house parties, phone banks and door – to – door canvassing.

We have to be visible! Harvey Milk was right and that is how they won in California by being visible.

Gay brothers and sisters, what are you going to do about it? You must come out. Come out to your parents. I know that it is hard and that it will hurt them, but think of how they will hurt you in the voting booth! Come out to your relatives. I know that it is hard and will upset them but think of how they will upset you in the voting booth. Come out to your friends. If indeed, they are your friends. Come out to your neighbors, to your co-workers, to the people who work where you eat and shop. Come out only to the people you know, and who know you. Not to anyone else. But once and for all, break down the myths, destroy the lies and distortions.

We have to do it again, again, and again for as long as it takes for to be about to walk into a restaurant on not worry about getting served. For as long as it takes for us not to have to worry about having a picture of our spouse on our desk. For as long as it takes to not to have to worry about some White supremacist with an assault weapon. For as long as it takes for us to not to have to worry if we are ourselves.

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