Saturday, February 08, 2014

Saturday Six #513

Patrick’s Place Saturday Six #513

1. F is for FAN: Which celebrity are you proud to consider yourself a fan of?
I’m not really a fan of any celebrity, I just can’t seem to get excited over any celebrity. They are just people like us.

2. F is for FLIPPER: If you had a chance to swim with a dolphin, would you take it?
I’m not a great swimmer, so if Flipper will carry me, then yes.

3. F is for FOG: Do you find fog beautiful or creepy?
What do you think?

4. F is for FRIGHT: When was the last time an amusement park ride truly frightened you?
I haven’t been to an amusement park since I was knee high to a grasshopper.

5. F is for FUR: Should real fur coats be banned over animal cruelty concerns? Why or why not?
I feel that to most of those who are concerned about fur coats are against anything that doesn’t let animals run free.

6. F is for FURNITURE: What is the oldest piece of furniture you own and how long have you owned it?
All my furniture is the same age, from when I built my house in 1991. I very rarely use my living room and the chair with the most use is my recliner which needs replacement.

1 comment:

  1. That picture depicting FOG elicit a mixed feelings of fear and awe. :)
