Thursday, February 06, 2014

Do We Have The Right To Criticizes?

The Catholic Church is upset over the UN report on Human Rights, in the report there is criticism over the church’s position on LGBT rights.

The Washington Blade reported that,
A U.N. committee has sharply criticized the Vatican over its opposition to homosexuality and other issues.

“The committee is concerned about the Holy See’s past statements and declarations on homosexuality which contribute to the social stigmatization of and violence against lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender adolescents and children raised by same sex couples,” said the U.N. Committee on the Rights of the Child in a report it released on Wednesday.
The Catholic Church is in a unique position of not only being a religion but it is also a country. The Vatican is considered to be an independent country, they issues passport, they have their own bank and they have ambassadors with diplomatic immunity. They also have observer status at the UN.

So it creates an interesting paradox, when you criticize the country are you also criticize their religion? The Catholic Online said,
NEW YORK CITY, NY (Catholic Online) - It is more than likely you have or heard the same media reports which I have. After the United Nations issued its concluding observations from the Report issued by the Convention on the Rights of a Child, it seemed an opportune time for some who hate the Catholic Church to pile on. Many in the media were the first in line.
Finally, the radical agenda of some seeking to restructure the social order by imposing a legally equivalent status between homosexual/lesbian relations and true marriages has become the pet project of many in the leadership structure of the UN. Thus, the Catholic Church is being treated with increasing disdain and facing overt persecution.  
However, the report issued by the UN Convention went way beyond that subject. It intruded into the doctrine, teaching, discipline and rights of the Church. It insisted that the Church change its unchangeable teachings. It even scolded the Church on how she instructs children in Catholic schools and sought to impose a curriculum. It was an example of what is increasingly wrong with the agenda and behavior of the United Nations these days.   
Can they have it both ways? Can they claim that they are a country and then when they are criticized for the action of the country then claim they are facing religious persecution?

I have always been against recognizing the Vatican as a city state and giving them diplomatic status. Many of the Catholic clergy here in the U.S. have Vatican diplomatic passports, dual citizenship, but at the same time they are lobbying against marriage equality and LGBT anti-discrimination laws. There is a law here in the U.S. that requires agents of a foreign government to register with the government called “Foreign Agents Registration Act,” my question is do the Catholic clergy have to register under the act?

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