Monday, September 10, 2012

Must Read...

This opinion piece was on mentioned on Facebook and I thought it was worth sharing...
KEITH C. BURRIS: And now, the choice
Register Citizen
Published: Saturday, September 08, 2012

Now they clean up the confetti, we rub our eyes and massage our temples after six days of inane blather by the TV commentators, and we try to sort through the sea of words (thousands from Joe Biden; thousands more from Bill Clinton) and waves of Republican anger.

What happened these last two weeks?

Is the nation clearer about the choice between presidential candidates and political parties?

Well, it should be.
The media is a real problem.

For the public to inform itself, it must truly dig for information and try to listen -- listen hard and past the media noise.
I think the crux of the problem is that the news media has given up on the job. It has become sound bites; there is no analysis of what the candidates are saying. I remember when the networks would have white papers and analyze the news and have in depth reporting, but now there are no advertisers who want that exposure and there is no money in it for the networks.

The opinion goes on to analyze both parties, it worth a read.

1 comment:

  1. I think what you said is true--we live in a 15-second-sound-bite society.
