Friday, April 01, 2011

Friday Fill-ins

Janet’s Friday Fill-ins

1. I can't believe _its April already_.

2. _A chicken in every pot_ for everyone.

3. How can I _shake off Senioritis?_.

4. _Bacon and eggs_ was the last thing I cooked.

5. Six of one _half a dozen of another_. (OK, I’ll go for the classic)

6. _Don’t say “I you won’t, if you will”_; nonono!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _doing some homework_, tomorrow my plans include _going out to the coffee shop_ and Sunday, I want to _do more homework_!


  1. if you find a way around senioritis let me know. I've got early onset myself. ;)

  2. We have an exact match for the first answer! I can't believe it's April already!

    Just a few weeks left of homework for you!

  3. Then I will probably be complaining that I have nothing to do.
