Late Friday afternoon I went to the capitol for a Die-in and then the leaders said that they were going to march. Little ol’ naive me thought, “Oh we are going to march around the capitol.” Wrong, we marched down Capitol Ave to Main St, by the federal building, by city hall and then back to the capitol through Bushnell Park. A distance of slightly over one and a half miles, up and down and then back up the hills. We ended up having a police escort as we marched through the intersections. They wanted me to say something about the Transgender Day of Remembrance on November 20th and I muffed my words. Oh well.
Last night, I went to a semi-formal banquet/fundraiser for the Hartford Gay and Lesbian Health Collective. I got there a little after six and left just before ten o’clock when the band started. Here are two pictures that my friends took of me.
Every time I see a photo of me now, I think "Gwd, I have to lose weight!"
Pretty dress! You look lovely.