Friday, November 05, 2010

Friday Fill-ins #198

Janet’s Friday Fill-ins #198


1. Sometimes, _I hate cold weather_.

2. _I’m glad the elections are over. All the negative ads make me feed up _ about the whole thing.

3. Small _is the number of people who think before they act_.

4. _Connecticut_ is very enlightening.

5. I keep meaning to _go on a diet_

6. _Is it all over_ ...yet. (The final election result were just released by the city of Bridgeport. Three days late.)

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _the coffee shop to unwind_, tomorrow my plans include _homework_ and Sunday, I want to _visit some friends and do homework_!


  1. ahhhh, I love sitting in a coffee shop watching people :-)

  2. Even I have homework this weekend. Blah.
