Do you usually wear perfume/cologne? If so, what's your current favorite?
No, too many of my friends are allergic to perfume and besides the smell get to me after while.
What's the last book you've read that you thought was really good? If you don't have one, what looks promising on your to-be-read list?
For the last nine months I have been reading textbooks, I tried reading for pleasure and I find that I am not interested in reading right now. Maybe I have to decompress first.
Fill in the blank: I wouldn't be caught dead…
Wearing the wrong “Days of the week panties” (I must confess that I couldn’t think of anything creative, so I googled the phrase.)
Love the Google confession. :-)
ReplyDeleteI'm not a big perfume wearer either. Happy Monday :)
ReplyDeleteI try to keep my perfume very light but I have to admit that I really like it.
ReplyDeleteI think I actually had days of the week panties back in the day.